

Friday, August 15, 2014

My little fish!

We've had a great time this summer at the pool!  I signed Jim up for swim lessons - which were wonderful!  We did a 6 day class beginning of July - where Jim went from needing his floaties, and holding on to us...and then after those 6 days he was jumping in the water himself with no floaties, having no problems going under water, becoming a better swimmer, and being a lot more comfortable.  We did another one beginning of August for 5 days, and Jim really enjoyed himself.  Looking forward to next summer when they both can take lessons.  (She starts the classes with 3yo!)  Ben has also made some big improvements.  Starting off the beginning of the summer not wanting to let go of us, and now he'll swim on his own (with his puddle jumper on) .

I don't usually have my phone with me when we are at the pool - but I did capture these pictures one day -

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