

Monday, October 20, 2014

Mount Vernon Pictures

We went to Mount Vernon this morning, and I brought my real camera with me to get some pictures of the boys.  Here are the results!  Think it'd of been a little easier if there was someone else there with me too.  I'd get them smiling, but before I was able to back up they were looking at other things!
I told them to put there arms around each other -
Ben cracks me up!
This was how he was standing, with his head on Jim's chest, goofball!
See - goofball!
 Saying something funny!
Not how I had planned it...
 They're over taking pictures already!!!!
 I asked them to jump -
 Action shot!
 Ben says, I'm getting out of here!
Jim was very good & patient!
Brotherly love!
They both see something fascinating!
They wouldn't look at me, so I decided to throw their maps up in the air, thinking that it would make them laugh - well I didn't have great aim, and the map ended up going on the other side of the fence -
Ben was NOT happy with that!!!!
My favorite from today!
This one is a good one too!
I told them to cross their arms for something different, not sure about Jim's face - haha!
Now Ben crosses his arms...
Jim leading Ben off the bridge....
 Checking out the sheep.
Thought this would be cute - but they wouldn't show me their smiles!
Mom, are we done yet?!
Decided to try some pictures on the bench afterwards - big fail!
 Love Ben's eyes
Something at our neighbors was catching their eyes.
The end!

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