

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My first Christmas!

Jim had a wonderful first Christmas! And we all had a wonderful time with him. We took off for Buffalo on Thursday, and made the 8 hour drive north. The VZ's were picking Chris up at the Buffalo airport so Thursday night we all had dinner together. Friday we Christmas Eve, we spent the day hanging out together. And even got to Skype so we could see Rob & Jenna. Jim was perfect at Church, not a single peep out of him! And we all enjoyed an amazing Christmas Eve dinner! Christmas Eve wouldn't be complete without the reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.' Christmas morning was great! Jim just had learned how to clap, so whenever we gave him a present we would clap our hands, and he would clap back and be all excited! After our usual Christmas morning breakfast, we hit the road for Albany. We enjoyed our Christmas afternoon/evening with the Sector's! Sunday we all hung out for awhile, and then made our way to our 3rd Christmas Celebration with the VZ's. It was a wonderful first Christmas for Jim!!! And it was great to be able to be with the family!!!!

Enjoy the pictures!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Mini-Update

I didn't want to wait until Jim's 9 month update post to give a little update on what he's been doing. Some exciting things have been going on in the past couple weeks:

- He finally has 2 bottom teeth! They have broken the surface and his 2 bottom teeth are adorable. Trying to get a good picture of them is impossible. One of these days he'll flash a toothy smile that I will be able to share with all1

- He's now cruising all over the place. He can pull himself up on the couch, and then he'll walk along that with no problems. He's walking all over the place when we're holding onto his hands.

- He loves bath time. (Although lately he wants to stand the entire bath.) I get him undressed in his room, and we walk into the bathroom. He has the biggest smile when he sees Daddy sitting at the bathtub waiting for him.

- Lately he's been cracking himself up. It's pretty funny to just hear him start laughing.

- He just started to clap his hands! I think next will be waving bye-bye.

Christmas Time

I cannot wait for Jim's first Christmas! We are headed up to Buffalo tomorrow to celebrate with the family! And we are all very excited! What a wonderful time of the year.

We put up our Christmas tree this year, and Jim has been very good with that! He loves to stare at the lights! He really hasn't tried to play with the ornaments or cause to much of a mess there. Except for the other night. Mark & I both had dozed off for a minute, and the next thing we know, Jim was playing with an ornament. I think that was the only time he grabbed for an ornament, that little stinker.

I will have to try to upload some more pictures. I usually update this when I'm at work, and all my picture are on my home computer.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

8 Months Old

Just our usual monthly update. Jim is 8 months old now. And what a great 8 months it has been!!!

What Jim is up to:

- He is crawling all over the place. (he's still doing the army crawl - but watch out, he's on the move!)

- His first tooth is just about to pop through his gums. Any time now!

- Loves to stand up, and will even walk if you hold on to him.

- The last couple days, he's been able to stand all by himself (started off just for a second, but now he can do it for 15-20 seconds).

- Still loves to eat, anything and everything! Haven't found a food he doesn't like.

- Started to eat puffs as a little snack, as well as yogurt bites, and biscuits.

- In size 3 diapers.

- Wearing 9 month clothes, and has started to wear some 12 months.

- Weighed 20 pounds when I weighed him on our scale at home.

- Get's very excited when I pick him up at daycare; and gets very excited when Daddy walks in the door from work.