

Sunday, December 12, 2010

8 Months Old

Just our usual monthly update. Jim is 8 months old now. And what a great 8 months it has been!!!

What Jim is up to:

- He is crawling all over the place. (he's still doing the army crawl - but watch out, he's on the move!)

- His first tooth is just about to pop through his gums. Any time now!

- Loves to stand up, and will even walk if you hold on to him.

- The last couple days, he's been able to stand all by himself (started off just for a second, but now he can do it for 15-20 seconds).

- Still loves to eat, anything and everything! Haven't found a food he doesn't like.

- Started to eat puffs as a little snack, as well as yogurt bites, and biscuits.

- In size 3 diapers.

- Wearing 9 month clothes, and has started to wear some 12 months.

- Weighed 20 pounds when I weighed him on our scale at home.

- Get's very excited when I pick him up at daycare; and gets very excited when Daddy walks in the door from work.

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