

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Mini-Update

I didn't want to wait until Jim's 9 month update post to give a little update on what he's been doing. Some exciting things have been going on in the past couple weeks:

- He finally has 2 bottom teeth! They have broken the surface and his 2 bottom teeth are adorable. Trying to get a good picture of them is impossible. One of these days he'll flash a toothy smile that I will be able to share with all1

- He's now cruising all over the place. He can pull himself up on the couch, and then he'll walk along that with no problems. He's walking all over the place when we're holding onto his hands.

- He loves bath time. (Although lately he wants to stand the entire bath.) I get him undressed in his room, and we walk into the bathroom. He has the biggest smile when he sees Daddy sitting at the bathtub waiting for him.

- Lately he's been cracking himself up. It's pretty funny to just hear him start laughing.

- He just started to clap his hands! I think next will be waving bye-bye.

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