

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Festivities #3

Jim's 3rd birthday celebration was this past weekend, with my entire family coming down to celebrate!!

Ashley got in on Thursday, and took care of Jim on Friday. Rob & Jenna showed up around lunchtime on Friday. And then Mom, Dad, and Allison got in later Friday evening. Just spent Friday hanging out together.

We didn't do much on Saturday, besides all hang out and watch Jim open presents and play with all his new toys. Everyone enjoyed the Elmo cake that I made, and Jim got his very own cake as well! I was hoping to be outside, and grill, but the rainy weather changed our plans. We did decide to do dinner down at Southside.

Sunday morning we all went to Church for Palm Sunday. Had a quick breakfast of bagels, and then spent the rest of the day outside. Jim got to play with all his wonderful new toys!!

What a WONDERFUL week long celebration of his birthday! We were so lucky to have everyone come down and celebrate with him :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jim's BirthDAY

I can't believe my little boy turned ONE on Monday!!!
I decided to take the day off to celebrate with him...And we had a GREAT day!!! There wasn't any sleeping in - I woke up when Mark went off to work, and couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to hop in the shower. It was a good thing I did because by the time I was finished Jim was already awake. Guess he wanted to start his birthday off bright and early!

We hung out all morning - enjoying a birthday waffle with strawberries for breakfast...He was in a great mood all day long. We went and met Mark for lunch at the Silver Diner - where Jim enjoyed his first hot dog - which he devoured. He loves to eat! Then we went to a park, which Jim wasn't a fan of. I think he was overwhelmed with all the colors, the people, and how hot it was. He did not want to climb on anything, and would not let go of my leg, so we didn't last long there. Made our way back home and hung out outside the rest of the day.
Going on a walk with Maggie, and Finn and playing with them. His birthday ended in a little picnic out back!
All in all it was a GREAT birthday!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

12 Month Check-up

Jim had his 12 month check-up yesterday. Despite having to wait in the office for like an hour, we had a very clean bill of health!

Here are his stats:

Length - 30" - 59th percentile
Weight - 23lb. 12oz. - 65th percentile
Head - 18.5" - 69th percentile

The doctor kept saying how he's one healthy happy baby!

He got a toe prick to check his lead levels & blood count levels - and all came back normal with that. And he had to get 2 shots. He did pretty good with that. He cried for like 30 seconds, and once I gave him some fisheys he settled himself right down!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Birthday Festivities Part 1

Jim's birthday festivities kicked off the weekend of his birthday with Mark's parents and sister coming into town. They came down on Friday and brought dinner for us, and then we sang to Jim and enjoyed some birthday cake!!!
Saturday was spent hanging out with Jim, followed by dinner in Old Town at Columbia Firehouse.

They all came down to the Parkway on Sunday to watch me run the Parkway Classic 10-miler race. And then said our good-byes.

What a great way to kick off Jim's Birthday week!!! We're so lucky to have them come down and help celebrate!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Jim - you're one year old!!!! I can't believe one year ago you entered into our lives. And what an amazing year it has been! You bring such a big smile to my face - I love you Jimmers!!!

Time for the 12 month update...
What you are up to:

- LOVES to be outside!!!!

- Is now drinking whole milk - and loves that!

- Still loves to eat just about anything and everything.

- Still loves his books. We will tell him to bring a book for us to read and he'll get one and bring it over to Mark or I.

- He rubs his belly, which is the cutest thing ever!

- He shows us how big he is - 'so Big!!'

- Will wave and say bye bye to us. And his latest thing is to blow kisses, either when you say good-bye or when you say I love you Jim!

- He goes to the Doctor tomorrow for his 12 month check-up, so we'll see how much he's grown. The other day when I weighed him on our scale at home he was 24 pounds.

- Hasn't gotten any new teeth this month - still has the 4 up top, and 2 on the bottom. I love your toothy grin :)

- Still wearing size 4 diapers.

- His 12 month tops seem to be getting too small for him. Wears a lot of 18 month stuff now.

- We've started to put you in your crib upstairs when you're still awake. We do that around 9:00 (after getting your teeth brushed, and a bedtime story), and you've gotten a lot better with going to sleep without too much fussing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Jim!!!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful son. It's hard to believe that you went from this:

To this:
You are such a happy, funny, smiling little boy. You brighten up each and every one of my days!! This past year has been amazing! I couldn't have asked for anything different. I love you Jim!!!!

Many posts coming of his birthday celebrations!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Goof ball

Jim is such a little goof ball. He always seem to have something in each hand. Take for instance this picture, see - 2 ping pong balls.
Or how about this picture - 2 coat hangers. We sat outside and played for awhile, and I brought a bunch of his toys out with us, and he wanted nothing to do with them. After playing we went for a run, and he still had a grip on both hangers - even falling asleep with them!
He loved the hangers the other day, so much he had to hold onto one while he was eating. He quickly realized if he was going to eat his dinner he would have to put one of them down.
And this picture just cracks me up, Jim's new way to play the piano.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Due Date Anniversary...

Too think one year today ago was Jim's due date - April 5, 2010. And one year ago today we were still sitting around awaiting the arrival of our little bundle of joy.

I can't believe he's going to be one in less than a week! What a wonderful year it has been! It's amazing how much he's changed, and how much he's learning and doing each and everyday. Can't wait to celebrate his FIRST birthday!!