

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthday Festivities #3

Jim's 3rd birthday celebration was this past weekend, with my entire family coming down to celebrate!!

Ashley got in on Thursday, and took care of Jim on Friday. Rob & Jenna showed up around lunchtime on Friday. And then Mom, Dad, and Allison got in later Friday evening. Just spent Friday hanging out together.

We didn't do much on Saturday, besides all hang out and watch Jim open presents and play with all his new toys. Everyone enjoyed the Elmo cake that I made, and Jim got his very own cake as well! I was hoping to be outside, and grill, but the rainy weather changed our plans. We did decide to do dinner down at Southside.

Sunday morning we all went to Church for Palm Sunday. Had a quick breakfast of bagels, and then spent the rest of the day outside. Jim got to play with all his wonderful new toys!!

What a WONDERFUL week long celebration of his birthday! We were so lucky to have everyone come down and celebrate with him :)

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