

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Jim - you're one year old!!!! I can't believe one year ago you entered into our lives. And what an amazing year it has been! You bring such a big smile to my face - I love you Jimmers!!!

Time for the 12 month update...
What you are up to:

- LOVES to be outside!!!!

- Is now drinking whole milk - and loves that!

- Still loves to eat just about anything and everything.

- Still loves his books. We will tell him to bring a book for us to read and he'll get one and bring it over to Mark or I.

- He rubs his belly, which is the cutest thing ever!

- He shows us how big he is - 'so Big!!'

- Will wave and say bye bye to us. And his latest thing is to blow kisses, either when you say good-bye or when you say I love you Jim!

- He goes to the Doctor tomorrow for his 12 month check-up, so we'll see how much he's grown. The other day when I weighed him on our scale at home he was 24 pounds.

- Hasn't gotten any new teeth this month - still has the 4 up top, and 2 on the bottom. I love your toothy grin :)

- Still wearing size 4 diapers.

- His 12 month tops seem to be getting too small for him. Wears a lot of 18 month stuff now.

- We've started to put you in your crib upstairs when you're still awake. We do that around 9:00 (after getting your teeth brushed, and a bedtime story), and you've gotten a lot better with going to sleep without too much fussing.

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