

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Spring!!!!

Just thought I'd share a couple of pictures. That's why everyone likes to check in on here, right? To see pictures of Jim?! They are from my phone. I haven't been using my camera much at all lately - it's been packed away. Can't leave it out since we never know when someone is going to come in to take a look at our house.

Friday, May 20, 2011

For Sale!

I haven't been very good at updating this blog lately. Things have been pretty busy around here. We've decided it is time to start looking for a bigger house. So we've been spending the last couple of weeks getting our house ready to list for sale. Last weekend was pretty hectic, getting all our personal stuff and clutter out of the house so we could show it. I'm hoping it will sell quick, because there's a lot of things that Jim shouldn't be touching/playing with. Wish us luck!!! It's now officially on the market!

Of course I couldn't do a post without sharing a picture. Here is one of Jim last night enjoying his goldfish. He loves those things! I think he could devour an entire bag if we would let him. Speaking of goldfish, we were grocery shopping the other day, and there was a big display of goldfish stuff. I parked the cart right next to it so I could grab my milk, and sure enough, Jim was pointing at the giant fish!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 13 Months

I was debating whether or not to keep up with my monthly Jim pictures. I was thinking I'd go ahead and maybe snap a picture of him sitting by his teddy bear every month. But then the 11th of this month just came, and was gone, and there was no picture with the teddy bear taken. So I guess that made up my mind. I'm constantly taking pictures of him - so there's no shortage of those.

He's hit most of the major milestones - crawling, cruising, walking, etc. so there's not even a whole lot of new things to report.

What Jim's up to at 13 months:

This past month he has learned the word 'uh-oh'. It is pretty funny to hear him say that. I think we'll be hearing that a lot.

When you ask him if he wants to go upstairs, he'll walk right over to the stairs, and start going up. He has his own version of saying upstairs. I think walking upstairs is his favorite thing to do!

He loves, loves playing outside! Again, he has his own version of saying outside. And when we ask him if he wants to go out, he stands right by the front door waiting for us.

He celebrated his first Easter!!!

Is starting to make the transition into the next room at daycare. So far so good!

(I'm on my computer at work...When I get home I will have to upload a couple of pictures.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy May!

I can't believe it's May already!!! I love that it's getting warmer and warmer everyday. If we get ready early enough in the morning, I take Jim outside for 5-10 minutes before taking him to daycare. He loves to be out there, and has a ball. I'll ask him if he wants to go outside, and he walks right to the front door! And we do the same thing when we get home in the afternoon.

Just thought I'd leave you with two pictures of Jim's toothy grin from the other day...
And don't worry - it's not always smiles in our house! Jim has decided he doesn't want to nap on the weekends -- he'd much rather be on the go all day and play with us. Needless to say, the no napping catches up to him in the evening and will get a little cranky. I guess that happens to us all.