

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

16 Months...

It's hard to believe my little baby boy is 16 months already!! How time flies. (I think I say that all the time...)

- Still wearing size 4 diapers.

- Wearing size 7 shoes.

- Had a period where he wasn't a fan of the bath - I think maybe it was the new tub? But we've since remedied that with a couple new bath toys!

- Tooth count - I think it's up to 12 now! I'm almost positive his 4th molar came in, so it's a molar on each side - top/bottom, plus 4 teeth on top, and 4 on the bottom.

- He had his last bottle on Thursday the 28th, and has been drinking out of sippy cups since!!!!!

- His vocabulary is expanding. (I don't know if I've ever updated on this - so here's some of the things he is saying): He says mama and dada, Ashley, Papa, outside, upstairs, shoes, elmo (love the way he says elmo), basketball, ball, hello (says that when he hears the phone ring)...I'm sure there's more, but those are the main ones. He also is repeating after you. I'll tell him to say 'green' and he tries to get that word out!

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