

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our week in review...

I wasn't very good at sharing pictures with the family this week.  I guess with everything going on in our bathroom (it's getting close to being finished!) I never got a chance to upload the pictures during the week.  So here are a couple of pictures from this past week to make up for my lack of e-mails:

When I went to get out my camera the other day, Jim looks at me and said cheese, and then he went into our usual spot, thinking we were taking a picture of our bellies.  He's one smart cookie!!!
 See, he's got the spot down.
Jim got something in the mail for a Disney Magazine offer - and it came with a sheet of stickers.  Well that entire sheet of stickers ended up on his arms...
 He was having lots of fun putting the stickers on him!  It helped keep him busy while I was trying to cook dinner...
 He's real serious about his stickers:
And finally two pictures of Jim and his doggie.  Apparently doggie had to eat dinner before Jim did.  Sit doggie, sit...
 Love his smile!!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A day in the life of Jim...

I've seen other people do this - document in pictures a typical day in Jim's life. Now granted, I didn't get pictures of every single thing he did - but it gives you a good idea of what a typical weekend day looks like in our house.

Once Jim wakes up, we come downstairs for his breakfast...Today it's a bowl of ceral...

Then he reads some books...
 Next up is helping mommy with laundry.  He is very good at moving the stuff from the washer and putting it in the dryer. 
 He gets all the clothes in there...
 A little bit of lifting to work on those big, strong muscles...
 Next up is some work on his tool bunch.  You can see he's hard at work today. 
You can't forget about sweeping up the basement floor.  This boy loves to clean!  Let's hope we're saying the same thing in another 5 years.
 Some pizza for lunch. 
 Followed by naptime with daddy...
 He's all ready to cheer on the Orangement!!!  He loves riding around on his firetruck...
 There's some playing where's Jim?!?!
 Jim loves to jump around on the couch with Teddy Bear....
 Now it's time to get ready for bed.  Hence why he has no clothes on, time for PJ's. 
 You can't forget about his train table!!
 A little story or two before bedtime...
 Looks like he's getting close to going night-night. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Outside in January

Can you believe it was in the 60's yesterday - I think it got up into the high 60's!  It was gorgeous outside.  And we look full advantage of the warm weather.  Jim did insist on wearing his winter hat - which eventually came off - but that is why he has such crazy hair in these pictures.  He got all sweaty and it was a mess when I took it off. 

Here are a couple of pictures of Jim going down his slide. He even did it all by himself! Normally we have to be standing right there next to him, but not yesterday! He is getting more and more independent...

 Next up was some bubble blowing...
 Having fun with his ball...
Having fun running from daddy.  Note in the upper left hand corner you can see Mark coming around with the ball. 
 They sure were having a good time!!!
Don't worry - Jim also played a lot with his lawn mower...and his broom...and he helped pick up leaves...but I didn't have my camera out the whole time. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jim & Teddy Bear

I got a couple of pictures the other evening of Jim and his new best friend - Teddy Bear.  Here are some of the activities they did together?

They built a really tall tower (I think at one point Jim was even putting a block in Teddy Bear's hand to have him help build it too...)
Then they played ring around the rosie together...(I did get a video of that but forgot to upload it...) which made the tower fall down...
Jim let Teddy Bear ride his horsey.
And then Jim & Teddy Bear had to ride the horsey together...
They ended their evening together eating dinner.  Yes, Jim is eating cereal for dinner.  He chose that over spaghetti - and if he was up for eating something I wasn't going to argue.  I think there was a time or 2 that Jim tried sharing his dinner with Teddy Bear as well.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Train Table

A special post just for Jim's wonderful aunts and uncles who got him his very own train table for Christmas!  Jim helped Mark put it together yesterday, and here are some pictures of the fun they had:

Jim kept trying to climb over the table, so we told him he was only allowed to crawl underneath it - and sure enough he listened to us.  Note in one hand he has his screwdriver, and the other hand he has Mark's screwdriver...
Jim was a very good helper:
The two of them hard at work:
Finally Jim gets to play with his choo-choo's!
Checking everything out:
This is what happens when you take Jim away from his trains.  He kept getting mad because the train would come apart, and would fall off the track...We kept telling him not to get mad, but he kept madder and madder, and then he started to mess up the tracks he was getting so frustrated, so we took him away from it for a minute - and he was not happy at all!!!
And finally here's a video of him having fun playing with his trains:

Thank you all for a wonderful Christmas gift!!!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

We had a great New Year's Eve! Our afternoon started off with meeting with Nicole and Karl at the Port City Brewery. They took the tour of the brewery, but we met them for a couple of drinks after they were done. It's hard to believe that it's the beginning of January and in the 60's. After the brewery - Jim was able to run around outside for a bit, before we made our way into Old Town for dinner. We met up with Ryan, Christy, and Andrew, and went to Overwood for dinner. It was really cute, Andrew and Jim sat at the head of the table together sharing their trucks and cars. They came over here for awhile after dinner to see the new place. The 2 boys had a good time playing together. As you can tell in the last picture - I think they played with every toy in there! We didn't make it to midnight, but Mark & I were both fine with that. We knew Jim would be waking us up between 6-7 so it wasn't worth it to us. 2011 has been a great year, and we're looking forward to seeing what 2012 brings us!!