

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Train Table

A special post just for Jim's wonderful aunts and uncles who got him his very own train table for Christmas!  Jim helped Mark put it together yesterday, and here are some pictures of the fun they had:

Jim kept trying to climb over the table, so we told him he was only allowed to crawl underneath it - and sure enough he listened to us.  Note in one hand he has his screwdriver, and the other hand he has Mark's screwdriver...
Jim was a very good helper:
The two of them hard at work:
Finally Jim gets to play with his choo-choo's!
Checking everything out:
This is what happens when you take Jim away from his trains.  He kept getting mad because the train would come apart, and would fall off the track...We kept telling him not to get mad, but he kept madder and madder, and then he started to mess up the tracks he was getting so frustrated, so we took him away from it for a minute - and he was not happy at all!!!
And finally here's a video of him having fun playing with his trains:

Thank you all for a wonderful Christmas gift!!!!!

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