

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20, 21, 22 months...

I've been meaning to do a 21 month update...and then a 22 month update...and never got around to it.  Here we are, close to being 23 months - a month away from being the big 2!!!!  I figured I'd get a little list of what Jim is up to now...hopefully I can get this done before his baby brother arrives!!

- He's up to 16 teeth now - his 4 'eye' teeth are in.  I guess up next are his 2 year molars.  And hopefully those pop up with no problems like his one year molars.

- He knows where his baby brother is, and loves to give him kisses.  And then he'll say bye-bye to him.  I keep telling him that baby brother will be coming home soon and he'll have to share all his toys with him.  Let's hope that goes well :)

- I love the way he says 'Baby Brother' :)

- Wearing size 5 diapers.

- Wears all different size clothes.  PJ's he's a 3T (I bought them big so he'd grow into them, the ones with feet on them)  and now they fit him just about right.  But the 2 piece PJ's a 2T fits him best.  I'd say he's mainly a 2T, but still fits into some 24 months, and even some 3T.

- Picks up new words everyday.  And words are getting clearer to understand.

- Still loves being outside.  I'm so thankful we've had a mild winter!  Mark & Jim have enjoyed many weekends outside working in the yard.

- He's daddy's big helper!  Whether it's picking up leaves...sweeping...working with tools.

- Loves his choo-choo trains.  He loves his train table, and whenever we're down in the basement he's constantly asking to look at daddy's trains.

- Still loves working out with us.  I love it when he does his jumping jacks!  Loves lifting weights - and knows when they are too heavy for him!

- Is still obsessed with trucks - with his biggest obsession being garbage trucks!

- He's a great sleeper!  Goes down every night around 9:00 and sleeps right on through the night.  He'll let us know when he's ready to go night night!

I could go and and on with what he's up to.  But I think I'll leave it at this for now.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Morning Post..

I was thinking about doing another 'Day in the Life' post to document Jim's Saturday.  I got a handful of pictures this morning, and then that was it.  So I figured I'd still share all those.  He woke up in a really good mood this morning!  Love those mornings :)  Enjoyed some cereal for breakfast, and then lots of playing!!!

He took his teddy bear for a ride on his fire truck...
 Practiced holding his baby brother...
 Played with trucks - he loves his trucks!!!!
 Was looking outside at daddy's truck...
 And then was checking out all the pictures on mommy's phone...
We had a good morning together!!!!  (Mark was at the dentist).  Hard to believe in two weeks or less we'll be a family of 4 - no more only child for Jim.  We'll see if he holds and rocks his baby brother like he does with his teddy bear...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nanny & Papa visit

Nanny & Papa came down to visit us this past weekend.  We all had a great time!  They got down here Thursday evening, which meant Jim got to stay home and play with them all day on Friday!  I think all three of them had a great time together!!!  Saturday was patio-work done.  They got the doors hung up - it looks funny now, but we can't wait to be able to sit out there in the spring & summer and not have to worry about being attacked by mosquitoes!!!  I'll leave you with a bunch of pictures!

Love this action photo of Jim jumping!!!
 Lots of kisses from Nanny!!!!
 Uh oh, where did all of Jim's blocks go???
 Jim had a blast playing outside, and helping the boys with the patio building.
 Lots of coloring!!!
 Sliding down Papa's 'slide'....
 They were loving it!!!!

 Jim shared his choo-choo's all weekend long!
 As well as his blocks!!!
 Jim enjoyed lots of stories!!!
 Thanks for coming to play with us Nanny & Papa!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Same post twice?!

I guess I am really excited about the nice weather we've been having!!!  I just looked back at my past posts - and I already did one talking about the nice weather.  It has been great!

Outside in January?!

We have had some wonderful weather this winter!!  Some days it doesn't even seem like it's winter here in VA - more like springtime.  Jim loves it!  It's been great, Mark has been able to take care of stuff around the yard - and Jim is his big helper!  It's been lots of work cutting back a lot of over grown stuff - getting things ready for springtime!

Here are a couple of pictures from Jim playing outside...He doesn't even need a jacket!!! 
 Having a blast going down his slide!!!
This was from one day during the week - when we did get a little taste of winter.  Jim wasn't sure what to think of the snow falling...But once it stuck on the ground, he was constantly looking out the window wanting snow!!