

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Morning Post..

I was thinking about doing another 'Day in the Life' post to document Jim's Saturday.  I got a handful of pictures this morning, and then that was it.  So I figured I'd still share all those.  He woke up in a really good mood this morning!  Love those mornings :)  Enjoyed some cereal for breakfast, and then lots of playing!!!

He took his teddy bear for a ride on his fire truck...
 Practiced holding his baby brother...
 Played with trucks - he loves his trucks!!!!
 Was looking outside at daddy's truck...
 And then was checking out all the pictures on mommy's phone...
We had a good morning together!!!!  (Mark was at the dentist).  Hard to believe in two weeks or less we'll be a family of 4 - no more only child for Jim.  We'll see if he holds and rocks his baby brother like he does with his teddy bear...

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