

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nanny & Papa visit

Nanny & Papa came down to visit us this past weekend.  We all had a great time!  They got down here Thursday evening, which meant Jim got to stay home and play with them all day on Friday!  I think all three of them had a great time together!!!  Saturday was patio-work done.  They got the doors hung up - it looks funny now, but we can't wait to be able to sit out there in the spring & summer and not have to worry about being attacked by mosquitoes!!!  I'll leave you with a bunch of pictures!

Love this action photo of Jim jumping!!!
 Lots of kisses from Nanny!!!!
 Uh oh, where did all of Jim's blocks go???
 Jim had a blast playing outside, and helping the boys with the patio building.
 Lots of coloring!!!
 Sliding down Papa's 'slide'....
 They were loving it!!!!

 Jim shared his choo-choo's all weekend long!
 As well as his blocks!!!
 Jim enjoyed lots of stories!!!
 Thanks for coming to play with us Nanny & Papa!!!

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