

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A day in the life of Jim and Ben...

Thought I would document what a day in the VZ house looks like...This is from Friday, May 4, 2012. 

Ben wakes up at 5:21 - I go in and get him.  He's all smiles while I am changing his diaper! 
We go back into our room so I can feed him.  We say good-bye to Mark, who is out the door around 6:00.  While I am feeding Ben he takes a little catnap and at 6:13 he's done.  We lay in bed for a bit, where he is full of smiles, talking up a storm!  I figured since he was awake, it was time for me to get up too!  We have another diaper change, and then make our way to the basement so I can do stairmaster.

My workout gets cut a little short because Ben starts to fuss.  And I forgot to bring his binky (or as Jim likes to call it - Mickey) down with us.  It's now 6:52 and we make our way upstairs.  Ben kicks around on his playmate for awhile and within 5 minutes of putting him down, I hear Jim from the top of the stairs, "awake, awake":
I go up and get him, and that starts our morning with the three of us.  Jim plays with his trucks, trains, and cars for awhile as well as reading some books...
...while Ben continues to look at the lights on his globe.
At 7:23 Jim decides it's time for cereal, so we head into the kitchen.  He scans all the cereal on top of the fridge, and decides he's going to have Shredded Mini Wheats again this morning.
We sit at the table and eat our cereal, while Ben hangs out in his swing.
`After we are done eating Jim gets to watch a garbage truck drive by.  The garbage truck drivers must see Jim quite a bit because they were all waving to him!
By 7:45 Ben is sleeping in his swing, and I get Jim to sit down to watch his train movie on TV. 

At 8:15 I head upstairs and take a shower.  I was very surprised when I came back downstairs that Jim was still sitting on the couch watching his movie.  What a good little boy I have!!!
Jim follows me upstairs, so he can brush his teeth and get dressed for the day.  By 8:45 we head back downstairs and just hang out, waiting for Ben to wake ups, which he does around 9:15. I try to feed him, but he doesn't really want to eat much, so I get him dressed and ready to go.  Since he didn't eat that much, I pump (9:40) since I didn't know how long we were going to be out for. By 9:55 we are out the door!

We try out a different park this morning, over @ Cameron Station - not a big fan.  The playground was nice, but it was a little drive to get there, and it wasn't anything special.  We get there around 10:20, Ben decides to fall asleep when I strap him in the baby carrier, and Jim has a good time playing! 
He did get to watch a couple of ducks and their babies.  He was pretty sad when he went back to look at them and they weren't there anymore (they must have wandered off...) 
It was pretty hot outside, and Jim was ready to leave by 11:10.  We made a stop at the beer store, and made our way home.  I took the longer way home so I could drive through the job site, and we were a little slower because it was pouring rain!

Finally make it home at noon, Jim & Ben both get a little snack.  Once I am done feeding Ben, Jim & I go make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch (12:40). 
He eats that, and I eat a salad that I made for myself. 
After he's all done eating, he gets to watch a little bit of Sesame Street.  While Ben works on sitting up. 
It's now around 1:50, and both boys are getting a little cranky.  I put Ben down in his swing...and bring Jim upstairs to take a nap.  15 minutes after I put Jim down, I went up to get something out of my room....Jim was not asleep, instead he was spilling his milk on his pillow (yes, he even told me he was doing that...)  Not really sure why he decided to do that, but I moved his pillow, he had a little melt down, and then was asleep.
Since both boys were asleep, I used that time to take care of cleaning up the kitchen - putting away the clean dishes and loading up the dishwasher.  I was also able to call Sirius and cancel the subscription in the Jeep.  By the time I got that done, @ 2:30 Ben decided it was time to wake up.  While feeding him, I started to work on writing this out.  He was done eating so we sat and chatted for awhile, got a bunch of smiles out of him, and then he went into his swing for a bit. 
Once he had enough of that, we did some tummy time.  He's very good at that, and doesn't mind being on his belly at all.  (Of course he does get cranky after he's doing it for awhile...)  He also laid back on his play mat, kicking away and dancing to the music!
Jim finally got up around 3:55.  I was on the phone talking to dad when he woke of course Jim wanted to talk to Papa as well!
We said our good-byes, had to change a couple of diapers, and then by 4:15 we were out the door on our way to Safeway.  We were going to stop on our way home from the playground, but it was pouring rain, and I didn't want them to get all wet.  As Jim likes to always say, we went shopping for a pizza! 

It's now 5:10, and we are back home, groceries are put away.  Ben fell asleep on the drive home and got a 30 minute catnap in.  Meanwhile, Jim and I shared an apple.
It's now 5:30, and I feed Ben, while Jim works on his puzzles...he reads some more books...and he talks to his Papa again, Aunt Allison, and then Grandma. 

Mark gets home around 6:45, and I went ahead and made the pizza for dinner.  (I guess I don't take many pictures in the evening...I was very good throughout the day, but not so much from here on out...)  We eat dinner by 7:15.  Ben falls asleep in his swing @ 7:25, for another 20 minute catnap.  Jim & Ben both get to hang out with Daddy for awhile (even though he wasn't very happy to have his picture taken...)
At 8:30 we all head upstairs.  We give Jim a bath since he was sweaty and covered in sunscreen from the playground.  Put Ben down at 9:10, and he has no troubles falling asleep for us.  And Jim hangs out in our bed playing with his flashlight, before going to bed himself around 9:25. 

That was one busy and FUN day!!!!

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