

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 months

Ben had his 2 month check-up today, and got a clean bill of health!  He had to get 2 shots, one in each thigh, and another vaccine that he took oral.  He was a champ with the shots!  She got him in the left leg first and he started to cry, but by the time she got to the right leg (which was very quick) he was done crying...all to start crying again after the 2nd shot.  I picked him right up and he was all done crying!  What a brave little boy.

His stats were: 

Head - 16 1/4" - 97th percentile
Height - 23 1/2" - 79th percentile
Weight - 11lbs 15oz - 49th percentile

I just looked back, and both Jim & Ben were the same height @ 2 weeks.  Ben is a little heavier (Jim was 11 lbs. 8 ozs.)

What Ben is up to at 2 months:

- He wears 3 month clothes - although I'm noticing some of them are starting to get small on him.

- Wears size 1 diapers.  Once we finish what we have open we will be moving up to 2's.

- Is a great sleeper - goes down around 9:00, and gets up around 5-5:30.

- Nurses usually 6 times a day, about every 3 hours or so.

- Has very good head strength - when we hold him on our shoulder he's always looking around.

- Has the best smiles!  And has started to 'talk' to us as well.

- Loves his play mat - will lay there and stare at his globe, kicking his legs the entire time! 

- Has started to grab onto things - likes to grab onto my shirt a lot!

Can't wait to see what the next month brings us!

If you want to see what Jim was up to at 2 months - click here.

1 comment:

  1. I can't beleive that he is 2 months old already. He is getting so big. an't wait to see him again. I miss him and Jom. My little babies xoxoxoxo
