

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Keeping Busy...

It's been a little while since I last updated this.  It's hard to find time these days - my hands are full with the two boys.  But I wouldn't want it any other way!  It's easiest to get on the computer when Jim is napping, but it always seems when Jim goes down for his nap (around 1:00ish after lunch time), Ben either needs to eat, or he is just waking up from a nap.  I have no complaints at all with this! 

We have been keeping busy with trips to the playground, playdates, going for walks, running around outside, coloring, etc. etc. etc.  I am loving this nice weather - and so is Jim!  He loves, loves being outside, and Ben is always right there with us. 

With that, I will leave you with a bunch of pictures. 

Many faces of Ben...Yes, he is a very happy boy!!!
Jim is always very, very busy outside!
 And he was my little helper the other morning when I was making my first batch of strawberry jelly.  (First time ever making it - and it turned out very good!!!!)
He also kept very busy in the kitchen the other day 'cooking' (or making a mess) while I was trying to get dinner ready...
And finally a couple of pictures of Jim & Ben together.  Best buds :)

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