

Monday, June 11, 2012

3 Months!!!

Can you believe it?!  Ben is 3 months now!  What a great 3 months it has been!!!

What Ben is up to at 3 Months:

- He rolls from his belly to his back.

- When on his back, he's started to roll onto his side.  Next up will be rolling onto his belly.

- Is in size 2 diapers.  He must have had a big growth spurt, because the next package of diapers I buy will be size 3.  (He was only in size 2 for a month!)

- I put away all his 3 month clothes :(  Is now wearing 3-6 / 6 month clothes. 

- Is a great sleeper for us!  He goes down at 9:00, and wakes up anywhere between 5:30 and 7:00. 

- Still eating 6 times a day - about every 3 hours.

- Does great when we go places.  He loves being in the carrier, and always takes a nap in there!  I'm glad he likes that, it makes taking Jim out to fun activities easy.

- He is a very happy baby!  I get lots of smiles and giggles throughout the day.  He really only gets upset if he's hungry, or sleepy. 

- No doctor's appointment this month - but according to our scale at home he's about 14 pounds!

- Is quite the talker.  He loves talking to us...or talking to himself.  It's great!

- Has gotten better control of his hands.  He's still reaching and grabbing at things.  And he can even put his toys into his mouth!

- Has been drooling quite a bit!  Loves to chew on his fingers. 

And now for his 3 month pictures.
I'm not really sure why this picture is sideways.  And I cannot figure out how to rotate it...

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