

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 9 Months Ben

It's hard to believe in 3 months Ben will be the big ONE!!  It's amazing how fast time flies!!  Ben learned how to do lots of things this month...

What Ben is up to at 9 Months:

- He's full out crawling now - not just the army crawl, but on his hands and knees.  It's amazing how each day he gets a little faster and faster!

- He's pulling up on everything.  He's much happier if he's standing up!  His crib is now lowered all the way down because of that...

- He cruises all over the place.  He thinks he can stand by himself, but that doesn't work out too well for him.    He'll be walking before we know it!

- He's going from laying to sitting to standing...and from standing to sitting...he's moving all over the place!!

- He knows how to use the stairs.  I was in the kitchen one morning getting breakfast ready, and I come back to the family room and Ben is a couple stairs on his way upstairs.  Had to put the baby gates back up!

- He's done with baby food - much happier if he's eating real food.

- He's a great eater.  He's still nursing - 5 times a day, and eats a breakfast, lunch, and dinner...loves bananas and name it, he pretty much eats it!

- Still a great sleeper - he goes down around 9:00...and then gets up around 4:30-5:30ish to eat, and then falls back asleep until 8:00 or so.

- He's into size 4 diapers...

- I've been getting out more 12 month clothes for him.

- Doesn't have his 9 month check-up until the beginning of the New Year, so I'll have to update his stats then. Thinking his 21 pounds or so...

- And as usual, here are his 9 month pictures which are getting harder and harder to take!

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