

Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

We all had a wonderful time up in New York celebrating Christmas with the family!  We left bright and early Saturday morning and made our way to Castile.  Chris flew in from Guam Sunday afternoon, so that evening we were all home, celebrating Christmas together, exchanging gifts.  It was a short trip this year since Mark just started his new job and had no vacation time to use.  Luckily he had both Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day off!!  Monday morning we got up, and made our way to Buffalo.  Did our usual Christmas Eve traditions - 4:00 Church which both boys behaved themselves...A wonderful Christmas Eve dinner...and exchanging of Christmas Gifts.  Jim was into Christmas a little more this year, he had fun putting out cookies and milk for Santa.  And then in the morning Mark told him he had to wake up to see if Santa came, which Jim was pretty excited about!!!  Christmas morning was great, presents and a great breakfast.  And before we knew it, it was time to load up and get on the road to head home.  Both boys made out with presents this year - many thanks to everyone for everything!!!  That's a quick synopsis, and I will leave you with pictures!!  (As usual, there are lots!!!)

Cute picture of Ben standing...
Jim getting ready to go out in the snow!!!!
Jim helping shovel the snow...
Play Dough with Nanny!
Opening presents...
Checking out all their wonderful gifts!
Jim helping Mark open up presents...
Playing with new toys!
How cute is this?!  Jim put his arm around Allison - best buds!
Not sure who has the biggest smile - love it!
Jim is pretty lucky!!!!!!
He loves it!!!!

I'd have to say this is a pretty good shot - Everyone's looking and happy!  We missed Rob, Jenna, and Blake!
Grandma & Ben -
Me & my boys.  (We also used Mom's camera when we were home - I think that one has a shot of Mark, me, and both boys...)
Just hanging out.
The boys Christmas morning.  I've given up on getting a picture of both of them looking at the camera...
Present time!
Merry Christmas all!!!!!

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