

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

It's been awhile since I last updated this (with the exception of Ben's 9 month post...)  So here are a bunch of pictures from the past month...

Jim was very excited to help 'make' our Christmas tree this year...He helped put all the branches together, and every time he put another branch in he said he was 'making our Christmas tree'.  Ben have fun watching us!
Here he is trying to put his car into the tree - he wanted his tree to be just like Grandma's.  The car was a little too big for our tree though...
Here he is helping with all the ornaments -
Ben isn't too happy that we had to put the baby gate up.  He wanted to be able to go up the stairs!!!
This picture cracks me up...we got home from a play date one day, and Ben was asleep, so I let Jim play outside for awhile.  Jim wasn't ready to go in when Ben woke up so I let Ben stay outside too.  He sat on the sidewalk for awhile, but then he decided he wanted to crawl...not the best idea when the ground was damp in some spots.  Poor guy got all wet and muddy!!!
A happy Ben in the morning enjoying his big boy breakfast!
Jim being cute one morning.  Thank you St. Nick for the puppies - he loves them!
My 2 handsome boys!!!  Love them!!!!
Jim & Mark having a lunch break...
Don't worry - the bottle was empty!!!!
Trying to get a picture of the 2 of them in front of the tree....It's a hard task!!!!
Just a cute picture of Ben -

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