

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - A Year in Review

Thought I'd do a little recap of the past year...and the highlights from each month...It's very hard to just pick one picture...and I'm sure I missed out on a bunch of stuff, so I apologize ahead of time if I forgot something but here we go -

In January we enjoyed some non-winter like, warm weather.  Jim loved every minute he was able to spend outside!
In February we all enjoyed a visit from Nanny & Papa...And it was Jim's last month being an only child...Here he is practicing being a big brother -
I think we all know the highlight from March - we became a family of 4!!!!  Benjamin was born -- Jim is a big brother!!!!  Lots of visitors this month - Grandma & Papa...Aunt Allison...Nanny & Papa...Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna...and Aunt Ashley!!!!  I started my new job as a Stay at Home Mom!!!!
April was another big month - Jim turned TWO!!!!!  Ben celebrated his first Easter!!!  We found out that Jim & Ben were going to be big cousins!!!!
We enjoyed the spring weather in May - and settled into our new life as a family of 4.  We had a wonderful 2 months of lots of visitors, and are always missing everyone!!!
Still enjoying the wonderful weather in June!!  Enjoyed a visit from Nanny, Papa, & Aunt Casey!!  Ben learns to roll over!  Loving life!  Jim is a great big brother - and Ben is such a happy, easy-going baby!
July is a busy month...We are without power for a couple of days because of the derecho that came through the area.  It was hot!!!  Ben's first 4th of July!!  Lots of fun outside, in their pool - Jim having a blast at the splash park!
In August we enjoyed a visit from Grandma & Papa - we love visitors!!!  Ben had his first try of food - not a fan of it (which is no longer the case at all!!!!)  Took a trip up to Albany for a wedding...and then went to Buffalo for the week...followed by a week in Castile!  Lots of fun up in NY - and great visiting with everyon!
Our trip up to NY ended in September - with Ben going to his first Syracuse football game!  Ben turns 1/2 a year - how is that possible already?!  Enjoying the fall weather - we love being outside!
October is another busy month with visitors!!  Grandma & Papa came back down to visit.  As did Aunt Ashley & Aunt Allison.  The 3 of us ran in the Wilson Bridge 1/2 marathon!  We missed Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna!  Ben's first Halloween - he was a dog, and Jim was a fire fighter...Lots of fun at pumpkin patches!!  Jim had a blast trick-or-treating this year!!!  Jim had fun doing jobs outside with Mark - jumping in leaves!!!!  Welcomed the newest member of the DiLoreto family - Blake Robert!
Still enjoying the fall weather in November.  Jim would spend every minute outside if he could.  Jim & Ben both got to vote!  Hehe :) We spent the week up in NY for Thanksgiving - 1/2 the time in Buffalo, the other 1/2 in Castile.  Got to meet Blake!!!
December was great!!  Jim is at the age where he's starting to get Christmas even more.  It was so much fun to have him help decorate the tree...Help with the Christmas with the wrapping, etc. etc.  Had a great time up in NY for Christmas - even though it was a quick trip it was great spending it with the family!
2012 was a WONDERFUL year!!!!  We are very excited to see what 2013 has in store for us!!!  Happy New Year!!!

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