

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Almost 70 in January?!?!

Yesterday was a gorgeous day!!!  I don't think it quite hit 70 degrees outside, but I think it was close!  And you can tell by the shirt change, and the sweaty Jim - it was pretty nice out!!  Quite a difference from my last post about snow!  We went for a little walk in the morning, had to mail some letters - and then we went to a play date.  But when we got home for that, I figured it was a perfect day to enjoy a picnic outside in January.  Grilled up some hot dogs, and then we stayed outside until after 5:00!  I figured I'd let Jim skip a nap to take advantage of such great weather!  He had a blast!  Ben had fun out there as well.  It was great to get some fresh air, and makes me very excited about the spring!  With that, here are a handful of pictures -

Jim busy picking up dirt -
This is his cheese face -
Got one with his eyes open!
T-Shirt & sweaty, red face time!
Ben & I
Not quite sure what's on his feet...
He better love it outside as much as Jim does!!  Don't worry, he wasn't trying to get inside, he just discovered his freedom to climb up some stairs!
Love him!
Jim was splashing water around for the birdies to drink!  At one point a couple birds tweeted pretty loud, and Jim looks at me, and goes, "Did you hear that".  And I responded with yes, I heard the birds tweeting...And he goes "The birdies liked my water!"  Love that!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Jimma is certainly happy giving the birds a drink. He is so kind to share. Ben looks so happy just to be sitting with you. There are lots of birds in Buffalo. I don't think Jim can give them water now it will freeze but can when it is warmer.
