

Friday, January 11, 2013

Double Digits

Happy 10 Months Benjamin.  It's very hard to believe in just 2 months we'll have a one year old on our hands!!

What Ben is up to @ 10 months:

- He's cruising all over the place!!!  I am guessing when I do his 11 month update, he'll be walking!  He's walking all over if he's holding onto something (the couch, his walker, our hands)...and he has taken a couple of steps over to the couch if I'm sitting close to it.  But I think it might be a little more excitement and momentum that gets him there.  But it won't be long!!!

- He has mastered the stairs!  When we're downstairs working out, he always heads right to the stairs.  And he always seems to know when we forget to close the gate upstairs.  He takes every opportunity he can find to practice going upstairs.

- Speaking of working out - he loves, loves, loves doing jumping jacks with us.  It is pretty awesome how excited he gets about it!

- And speaking of jumping - he's done with his jumper - he really hasn't used it in awhile.  I think know that he's on the move, he doesn't like to be contained in there...and I also think he might be a little too big for it.  It's now in the corner protecting our cuckoo clock.

- He loves to point at things.

- He claps his hands when we tell him to clap...he waves now!  And even says his own version of hello while he does that...he shows us 'how big' he is...

- Wearing size 4 diapers...12 month clothes...

- Has 6 teeth - 4 up top...2 on the bottom...

- He loves, loves, loves to eat.  Don't really think I've found a thing he doesn't like to eat.  He'll eat whatever we're having - and loves it!  He gets so excited when I bring his tray out, he knows it's time!

- He loves playing with all the trucks we have!  Complete with truck noises and all.

- Loves his big brother.  It's great to see them playing together, and laughing together - a great sound!

And as usual - I will leave you with his 10 month pictures.  He was pretty interested in trying to figure out how to take it off.

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