

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ben's 9 Month Stats

We were a little behind in Ben's 9 month check-up...we just went to the doctor yesterday.  Ben was healthy!!!  No problems at all.  He got 2 shots, and didn't like those, but once I picked him up, he was back to his happy self!  Jim was very well behaved there - and I am happy to report that we made it out of the house with big boy underwear on for the first time (actually, 2nd time we ran to Home Depot on Tuesday...but that was a quick trip) and had no accidents!!  We were gone probably 3 hours between the doctors, and Toys 'R Us (we had to get some more matchbox cars to help him with the potty training...)

His 9 month stats -
Head - 18 1/2" - 90th percentile
Height - 29" - 61st percentile
Weight - 20lbs 2ozs - 50th percentile

I always go back and look at the past months...

For his head his percentiles were - 96th @ 2 weeks...97th @ 1 month, 2 months, 4 months...99th @ 6 months...and now in the 90th percentile.  He had been pretty consistent there!

For his height - 92nd @ 2 weeks...91st @ 1 month...79th @ 2 months...59th @ 4 months...57th @ 6 months...and now in the 61st percentile.  So just a little above average.

And finally for his weight - 43rd @ 2 weeks...48th @ 1 month...49th @ 2 months...70th @ 4 months...40th @ 6 months...and now in the 50th percentile.

And what's a post without a picture?!  Here's one from the other day - the boys hanging out!

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