

Monday, September 11, 2017

A 2nd grader + A Kindergartener

The time has finally come - both boys are in school!  They started 2 weeks ago, and nothing but good reports from both of them.  It seems like Ben is following in Jim's footsteps and is liking school!

The week before school started, on Thursday, they had the teacher welcome walks.  Was very excited when Ms. G. came for Ben - she's the teacher that he had for his Bridge to Kindergarten program along with Ms. D.  I was really happy to see them come, as was Ben.  Jim has a new teacher, Ms. B.  He was sad when Ben's teacher came and he was still waiting for his.

Friday was open house, so we got to go in, drop off their school supplies, and check out their classrooms.  Ben is in the same room Jim had for kindergarten!  They got to see who all was going to be in their class.

And then it was off to school on Monday!  I was able to walk them both into their classroom - Jim barely looked back to say good-bye, he was excited to see all his friends and start another great year of school.  And Ben had no problems going in.

I'm feeling pretty good about this year - and can't wait to see how much they learn and grow this year!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Quick Update

Hard to believe that we only have 1.5 weeks left of school left before summer vacation!  This spring has been great - both Jim & Ben played soccer this year.  Mark coached Ben's team and I think that went well, sounds like he'll be back at it next year.  Jim did great - he loved playing, and would get sad when Coach Matt took him out because he wanted to keep playing!  I'm sure he's looking forward to next season.  Monday he started swim team - first 2 nights were a success! 

Jim is doing very well at school, still enjoys going, learning lots, and is doing great with reading!  I did the little in-home preschool with Ben with a 4 other moms, and that has been great - hard to believe that will be over next week and off to kindergarten he will go. 

Now that soccer is over our weekends will be spent at the pool, doing jobs outside, and playing outside - they love playing catch, playing baseball, lacrosse, soccer, basketball - very busy, active, happy boys! 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jim's 20 Questions at SEVEN!!!!

1.  What is your favorite color?  Green
2.  What is your favorite toy?  Legos
3.  What is your favorite fruit?  Oranges
4.  What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?  Football...No Basketball
5.  What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?   Bagels
6.  What is your favorite outfit?  This...pointing to his Nationals Jersey
7.  What is your favorite game?  Madden
8.  What is your favorite snack?  Marshmallows
9.  What is your favorite animal?  Dog
10. What is your favorite song?  I got That Sunshine in my Pocket
11. What is your favorite book?  The First Book About Why
12. Who is your best friend?  Liam
13. What is your favorite cereal?  Marshmallows
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Playing Lacrosse
15. What is your favorite drink?  Water
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? That, Lucky Charms
18. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Fluffers (the doggy)
19. What do you want to eat for dinner on your birthday?  Noodles
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Vet

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ben's 20 questions at FIVE!

1.  What is your favorite color?  Greenish-Blueish (not to be mistaken with blueish-greenish, which is not his favorite color!)
2.  What is your favorite toy?  Dodge Chargers
3.  What is your favorite fruit?  Strawberries
4.  What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?  Mutt 'n Stuff
5.  What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?   Pancakes
6.  What is your favorite outfit?  Jerseys
7.  What is your favorite game?  Nitro (Wii game)
8.  What is your favorite snack?  I think....trail mix!
9.  What is your favorite animal?  The kind of dog animal
10. What is your favorite song?  I've got this feeling in my body.  And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
11. What is your favorite book?  Silly Seal
12. Who is your best friend?  Parker
13. What is your favorite cereal?  Marshmallows & Cookie Crisp
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play in the snow...biking
15. What is your favorite drink?  Water
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? pancakes
18. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? All my stuffed animals - Sniffy's, Chase, and Pluto, Geoffrey, Flyey, and no one else.  Oh, Catty's - little catty, big catty, and....two little catty's!
19. What do you want to eat for dinner on your birthday? Hot Dog & French Fries
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A football player

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ben's BirthDAY!

Ben's birthday was on a Friday this year - his last year where he won't be in school!  I think he had a very fun 5th birthday! 

His day started off with balloons 'falling' out of his door and his '5' birthday pancake, and opening his present from Jim -- Legos!
After walking Jim to school, he got to FaceTime - when we were talking with Grandma, Jenna, Blake & Brody were calling us, so we switched over and chatted with them for a bit.  Ben's pick was Flight Trampoline again this year - and we both had lots of fun jumping there. 

I decided to treat him to a birthday lunch.  He wasn't happy with me when I told him we were going somewhere new, Silver Diner.  (His pick would've been Buffalo Wild Wings) But once we got inside, he thought the Silver Diner was pretty cool.  And the birthday boy got a special birthday lunch, chocolate milk, a chocolate milkshake, and pancakes!
Once Jim got home from school & Mark got home from work, he got to open up his birthday presents - all 3 of them got a football jersey - which they are loving!!!!
His birthday did fall on a Friday - so he got to celebrate with everyone at drinks!  Lots of fun having everyone together.  His request this year was a football themed birthday, and a Jacksonville Jaguars cake! 
Love the family shot we got this year!
It's crazy to think that you're 5 now Ben!!!  It was a fun day celebrating with him!!!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Early Birthday Celebrations

My parents were here the weekend before Ben's birthday.  The came back up here after meeting baby Emma! 

On Friday we took Ben to Toys 'R Us, and let him pick something out for his birthday.  It's fun to watch him shop, and fun to see when a truck/car finally clicks with him, and then he's done with the shopping! 
Very happy to have a birthday crown & balloon! 
Playing with his new car transporter & cars, and Geoffrey!
We all went out to dinner to Southside to help with the early celebrations of the birthday boy.  Very happy to have an ice cream sundae & a candle!
Trying out his new birthday gifts, all ready for the summer!
Very lucky to have my parents in town helping to celebrate Ben and FIVE!!!  A great time hanging out together!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A success

So here we are on the 28th of February, and I'd say I was pretty successful! This will be my 18th post for the month.  I was hoping for pictures & posts for 1/2 of the month, and I did better than that.  Let's see now if I can keep up with posting monthly, maybe I should set a goal of once a week.  I know March & April will be easy to do that since we have the boys birthdays! 

I'll leave you with one last set of pictures of February.  Ben eating his breakfast, goofy Ben and happy Ben--

Monday, February 27, 2017

Coloring sweatballs

Here's something else the boys love to do - color!  And here are 2 sweaty boys coloring.  There sweat is from running around inside the house playing.  (I do think we had a fire in the fire place going, so it does get a little warmer - but they were so busy they got all sweaty!!!

We did have a good weekend.  Saturday the weather was nice, so we were able to do stuff outside.  And then in the afternoon we took the boys to Southside, so they could eat at the bar.  And to celebrate Jim's great report card that he got for this past semester!  They had a lot of fun eating at the bar being able to watch sports on TV!  Sunday was a lazy day, it was a lot colder out (hence the fire) and being stuck inside for the day!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Before school football

Are you noticing a common theme with my February pictures - and the love of football that Jim & Ben share together!  And their shorts, in February?!  As soon as they hear the weather is going to be warmer they are asking if they can wear shorts.  Here are some shots of the boys playing their football before we walk to school. 

Speaking of walking to school, we have a great group of people we walk with!  I love that I'm home with them and am able to do that every morning!  We meet on the corner at 8:40 and make our way to school.  And to think next year I'll be leaving Ben there for kindergarten!
Note Ben's tongue!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Goofy Twins!

Monday was President's Day - so Mark & Jim were both home!  And we got to enjoy another day with Grandma & Papa!  The boys took them on a walk in the morning while Mark & I got out to run a couple of errands.  Again, another day of being outside, followed by dinner at North Side.  (The owner of South Side opened up this restaurant up in Del Ray and we went to check that out.  Very similar to South Side, so I think everyone enjoyed their meals - it is further away so we will probably stick with our usual! 

I always love it when they plan to wear matching clothes - whether it's their PJs, the same top, or matching colors.  Here are my 2 boys being cute & and then goofy yesterday morning! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Fun with Grandma & Papa

Ben found his devil ears from his Halloween costume, and has been wearing them around lately.  Here are both boys playing Sunday morning waiting for Grandma & Papa to come over!
They flew into BWI Saturday night, and ended up staying at a hotel, and came over Sunday morning.  We had a great day hanging out with them! And it was another day where we spent outside all day long!  Again, lots of jobs, football playing, soccer playing, and baseball playing fun for the boys!  We did walk over to the high school and played on the field for awhile.  I think it got up to the lower 70s, and everyone enjoyed their time together! 

After I accomplish this, I will need to update with some pics from my phone, loved the picture we got of the 4 of them on the bench.  I have been doing pretty good this month, I'm on my 14th post!  I'll have to keep this going! 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Our weekend mornings

Our weekend mornings typically consist of lots of playing, usually trucks or Legos, and then cleaning up.  And if the boys do a good job cleaning up they usually get to play Wii for a bit, or watch some movies on the computer (picking things out on You Tube).  I tried to get some pictures of them, but they were too into the game they were playing! 
Had a gorgeous day on Saturday - which we spent most of it outside!  Loving this warmer weather, feels like springtime in winter!  Hoping we don't get real cold weather again.  Boys kept busy outside, helping Mark do some jobs, playing some soccer, some football, riding around in their pick-up truck, busy busy day! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

2 of my 3 boys!  Busy checking out their Valentine's they got!  Jim had a good day, in the afternoon his class exchanged Valentine's, and he came home with a bunch of cards and treats! 
I also love how much these 2 love each other - so much fun that they have a best friend to play with every single day!  Just like any 2 brothers, they do have their moments, but for the most part they're constantly playing and having fun together! 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sunday funday!

Another day spent outside.  I did my usual grocery trip to Wegmans in the am, while Mark & the boys hung out in the morning.  The boys played some Wii - some Madden football, Mario Cart, and Nitro.  Then it was time to head outside.  We went over to Mount Vernon after lunch & had lots of fun there, playing some soccer first, than some baseball, and finally some football.  Love how much they love being outside and playing sports!  Came back home & had more fun outside. 

Ben's latest haircut is a Mohawk.  I love it when he lets me put stuff in it to make it spikey!  A big smile from him! 
And Jim is all set to walk over to football field! 
(I feel like I should come back & update some of these posts with pictures from my phone.  I have some fun pictures of the boys at the field.  But I guess it's a step in the right direction that I've been updating these and actually using my real camera, so we will go with that for now!) 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

My busy bees

Enjoyed another fun day outside, loving this milder weather.

I love their seat, watching Mark cutting away at some rebar.
Love the hat Ben!
Always smiling! 
Having fun climbing into the garbage can! 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

From warm to cold.

Quite a difference from this post to the last one.  Last one the boys were in shorts & a t-shirt.  Now it's back to the winter jacket, hat, and gloves!
Ben really doesn't nap anymore.  I'd say I'm lucky if he'll nap once a week, or maybe it's once very other week.  But I think after the busy weekend of the car show...Being at the playground all afternoon on Monday...And then doing a triple playground on Wednesday (in the morning we went to Potomac Yards...then in the afternoon we met Maggie at Grist Mill...and then we played at the playground at school after pick-up) he was pooped.  I love pictures of sleeping babies & kids.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

A good morning!

I love the mornings we get outside for a couple of minutes before walking over to school!  And what a gorgeous day yesterday was - warm enough for Jim to wear shorts to school!  Can't wait to have more mornings like this..

Jim decided it was a good morning to break out his bike -
And Ben thought a good morning to ride around in his pick-up truck.
Having fun together -
Cruising around!
Just doing some morning sprints!