

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Day...

They are opening up a new Children's Museum over at the National Harbor the end of the year.  In the meantime they have a 'Launch Zone' over there, which we decided to check out today.  Jim had a lot of fun playing there, checking out the little table top 'exhibits' that they had.  And then got to play with the big blue blocks!  They did have some trucks there, which Jim had to take a handful of those.  And then at one point I looked over, and there he was laying on the floor lining up all his trucks!  Ben was very well behaved for us - sleeping pretty much the entire time! 

After we were done there, we went for a little walk - got to see the Awakening Statue.  But it was pretty sunny and hot, and we weren't prepared to be outside, so we called it a day.  Enjoy the pictures!

The first picture was when we were getting ready to leave.
 You know someone had a great time when he can't even make it home before falling asleep!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A quick update.

As usual, I am just updating you all with pictures.  Everything has been going great here!  Celebrated my birthday this past weekend.  It was lots of fun, Jim wished me a Happy Birthday many times throughout the day!!  It was the best!  We all went out to dinner, and we ordered dessert - and when it came out, Jim goes "Mommy's Happy Birthday cake!!"
Both boys are doing great!!  Ben is growing so much.  Love his little laugh - which we hear all the time now.  As well as many, many conversations.  Jim continues to be a great big brother!  He's had a runny nose that past week - am wondering if his top 2 year molars are coming in.  He has the bottom ones already.  We're keeping busy during the week with the playground, and playdates with friends!  Think the boys are enjoying themselves. 

Okay, onto the pictures:

Mr. Panda seems to be a favorite for both Jim & Ben -
All dressed up to help celebrate my birthday! 
It was rainy and chilly when we went out to dinner, so Ben wore jeans and shoes.  Think we'll wait to wear shoes again, those ones gave him a blister!
Boxes are the best toys ever!
Jim & Ben playing trains together the other morning -

Thursday, July 19, 2012

More pictures...

Here are a bunch of pictures from my smaller camera.  It's a lot easier to take 'self' portraits with this one as it's easier to hold.  And Jim has a lot of fun taking pictures as well.  I think he took 100 last night...

Ben loves his feet!
Jim & me...
Me & my two boys...
 Me & Ben...
Jim & Ben - with Jim making his 'cheese' face...
 Jim's a pretty good photographer - he took this one himself!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just another picture post...

I've gotten a ton of cute pictures the last couple of weeks - and have been terrible with sharing them.  So like I've been doing a lot lately, here's a bunch of those said pictures...

Jim loves Ben - that's for sure.  Here are a couple from one morning where Jim was holding onto Ben...holding his hand...showing Ben the mirror...and then attempting to pick him up. 
Ben was all ready to go to the Splash Park - flip flops and all!!!
Some more brotherly love -
Ben reading - and showing us all how strong he is.  He can push his chest off the ground now and look around!
I love Jim's curls!
Jim hard at work!!!  He's such a good helper :)
Again - brotherly love.  This was from the other morning where they were both playing with the zoo...
And I'll leave you with a cute picture of the two of them -

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Splash Park

I took Jim and Ben to the spkash park last week for the first time.  Jim had a blast there!!!  Ben was indifferent...He actually slept through the whole thing.  The best part about it, it's free!!!  Think we'll be spending more time there this summer.  Here are some pictures from the day.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 Months

4 months already?!  You're growing up so quick, and changing everyday.  Here are a couple of his 4 month pictures -
What Ben is up to at 4 months:
- Loves his fingers.  Actually he loves to put everything he gets a hold of into his mouth.

- Has discovered his feet!!!

- Not a fan of laying down.  Would much rather be jumping his bouncer, standing on us, or sitting up.

- Laughing, smiling, and 'talking' all the time now.

- Loves his big brother.  I love when they make each other laugh.

- Can last on his belly a lot longer now.  He's pushing up on his hands and looks around all the time!

- Size 3 diapers

- 3-6 month / 6 month clothes.

- We put Ben down in his crib awake at 9:00 and he has no trouble falling asleep!  He usually gets up around 6:00. 

- He usually takes 4 naps during the day.  A quick one around 8:00 or so for 1/2 hour...another one before lunch time (it all depends on what we're doing that morning as to how long he'll nap for).  Then he'll take a 1-2 hour nap at 1:00 up in his crib.  And usually a quick 15-20 minute nap in the evening around 6 or 7.

- He's nursing 6 times a day, every 3 hours. 

- He had his 4 month check-up the other day, and checked out just well!  He did very good with the shots.  He didn't even cry after the first one.  Started to cry after the second one, but once I picked him up he stopped. 

4 month stats:
Head - 17.25" - 97th percentile
Height - 25.25" - 59th percentile
Weight - 16lbs 3.5oz. - 70th percentile

Went back and looked at Jim's 4 month stats.  Jim & Ben were both the same height - but Ben takes the lead in head & weight...Jim's 4 Month update...
Jim @ 4 months -
Head - 16 1/2" - 50th Percentile
Height - 25 1/4" - 75th Percentile
Weight - 14lbs. 8.5oz. - 50th Percentile

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ben Rolls again!!!!

On Thursday while I was making dinner, I put Ben down on his blanket in the kitchen.  He likes to lay there and watch me cook.  I turned my back, and this is what I saw!!!
He's figured out how to roll from his back to his belly!!!!  Go Ben Go!!!!

4th of July!!!

Jim was very excited to wake up, to be able to wish Uncle Robbie a Happy Birthday!!!!!

Jim loved having Mark home for the day in the middle of the week!  The two of them were busy doing jobs outside all morning!!!
Of course I had to put the boys in their red, white, and blue for the 4th!!!