

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4 Months

4 months already?!  You're growing up so quick, and changing everyday.  Here are a couple of his 4 month pictures -
What Ben is up to at 4 months:
- Loves his fingers.  Actually he loves to put everything he gets a hold of into his mouth.

- Has discovered his feet!!!

- Not a fan of laying down.  Would much rather be jumping his bouncer, standing on us, or sitting up.

- Laughing, smiling, and 'talking' all the time now.

- Loves his big brother.  I love when they make each other laugh.

- Can last on his belly a lot longer now.  He's pushing up on his hands and looks around all the time!

- Size 3 diapers

- 3-6 month / 6 month clothes.

- We put Ben down in his crib awake at 9:00 and he has no trouble falling asleep!  He usually gets up around 6:00. 

- He usually takes 4 naps during the day.  A quick one around 8:00 or so for 1/2 hour...another one before lunch time (it all depends on what we're doing that morning as to how long he'll nap for).  Then he'll take a 1-2 hour nap at 1:00 up in his crib.  And usually a quick 15-20 minute nap in the evening around 6 or 7.

- He's nursing 6 times a day, every 3 hours. 

- He had his 4 month check-up the other day, and checked out just well!  He did very good with the shots.  He didn't even cry after the first one.  Started to cry after the second one, but once I picked him up he stopped. 

4 month stats:
Head - 17.25" - 97th percentile
Height - 25.25" - 59th percentile
Weight - 16lbs 3.5oz. - 70th percentile

Went back and looked at Jim's 4 month stats.  Jim & Ben were both the same height - but Ben takes the lead in head & weight...Jim's 4 Month update...
Jim @ 4 months -
Head - 16 1/2" - 50th Percentile
Height - 25 1/4" - 75th Percentile
Weight - 14lbs. 8.5oz. - 50th Percentile

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