

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A quick update.

As usual, I am just updating you all with pictures.  Everything has been going great here!  Celebrated my birthday this past weekend.  It was lots of fun, Jim wished me a Happy Birthday many times throughout the day!!  It was the best!  We all went out to dinner, and we ordered dessert - and when it came out, Jim goes "Mommy's Happy Birthday cake!!"
Both boys are doing great!!  Ben is growing so much.  Love his little laugh - which we hear all the time now.  As well as many, many conversations.  Jim continues to be a great big brother!  He's had a runny nose that past week - am wondering if his top 2 year molars are coming in.  He has the bottom ones already.  We're keeping busy during the week with the playground, and playdates with friends!  Think the boys are enjoying themselves. 

Okay, onto the pictures:

Mr. Panda seems to be a favorite for both Jim & Ben -
All dressed up to help celebrate my birthday! 
It was rainy and chilly when we went out to dinner, so Ben wore jeans and shoes.  Think we'll wait to wear shoes again, those ones gave him a blister!
Boxes are the best toys ever!
Jim & Ben playing trains together the other morning -

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