

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Begining of July...

Like I had mentioned in my last post, we lost our power last week.  A big storm - a derecho - hit our area Friday evening just before 11:00.  It woke both Mark & I up, but Jim & Ben slept through it all...And ended up loosing power that night.  (Brought back memories of my freshman year of college, when a derecho hit Syracuse Labor Day weekend...)  We never did get power back on until Tuesday afternoon around 3:00 - so it made for a couple long hot days.  And it was hot, up in the high 90's everday.  Not much fun with no AC, or no fans.  To help keep the boys cool, we spent the days just in diapers...played in the pool...naps were downstairs where it was much cooler...We were very happy to have the power back on!!!

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