

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Day...

They are opening up a new Children's Museum over at the National Harbor the end of the year.  In the meantime they have a 'Launch Zone' over there, which we decided to check out today.  Jim had a lot of fun playing there, checking out the little table top 'exhibits' that they had.  And then got to play with the big blue blocks!  They did have some trucks there, which Jim had to take a handful of those.  And then at one point I looked over, and there he was laying on the floor lining up all his trucks!  Ben was very well behaved for us - sleeping pretty much the entire time! 

After we were done there, we went for a little walk - got to see the Awakening Statue.  But it was pretty sunny and hot, and we weren't prepared to be outside, so we called it a day.  Enjoy the pictures!

The first picture was when we were getting ready to leave.
 You know someone had a great time when he can't even make it home before falling asleep!

1 comment:

  1. love that you showed the whole day with Jim
