

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pittsburgh Weekend

Last weekend we made our way to Pittsburgh for Blake's Baptism.  (I guess it's not last weekend anymore since I never finished this...I should say over MLK weekend...) We made our way out there Saturday morning.  The drive out wasn't bad at all - 4 hours it a big difference compared to the 8 hours we are used to.  It's the first time we took a trip with Jim wearing underwear.  I wasn't sure how that was going to go, but he did great!  We stopped once to check our tire pressure, and made the mistake of not taking him to use the bathroom...we asked him and he said he didn't have to go.  And of course 10 minutes after we got back on the road he said he had to use the potty.  (Lesson learned, make him use the potty whenever you stop!)

Got to Pittsburgh around lunchtime and we spent the afternoon at Rob & Jenna's just hanging out.  It was great to have everyone together there!  We all took Jim to the little playground in Rob's neighborhood.  Everyone had fun there!  And then we took him on a little walk to check out a dump truck.  Of course he loved that!  Syracuse beat Louisville that afternoon, so we got to watch that....and enjoy some pizza for dinner.

Sunday morning we got up and just hung out.  Blake's Baptism wasn't until 1:30, so it was nice to be able to take our time in the morning and just enjoy each other's company!

We were planning to stay until Monday morning, but Ben was coming down with a cold, and we figured it'd be better to get all his germs out of the house and not share with anyone.  After the Baptism we made our way to the reception, got something to eat, and hung out for a bit before we made our way home.  The drive home wasn't bad at all!  Jim fell asleep before we even got on the turnpike!

(Thanks to mom's camera for all these pictures!!!!  And for Allison posting them on Facebook!!!)

Love our family!!!!!
Me & my nephew, yes he's a true Syracuse fan as well!!!!
See - everyone was having fun at the park!!!
Dump truck up close!!!
Love them all!!!
Mark actually smiling for a picture?!?!  Too bad he wasn't looking at the camera.  But we'll take it!!!  The newest Aunt & Uncle :)
Ben was napping...
Hopefully the next time we are all together we are all healthy!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Almost 70 in January?!?!

Yesterday was a gorgeous day!!!  I don't think it quite hit 70 degrees outside, but I think it was close!  And you can tell by the shirt change, and the sweaty Jim - it was pretty nice out!!  Quite a difference from my last post about snow!  We went for a little walk in the morning, had to mail some letters - and then we went to a play date.  But when we got home for that, I figured it was a perfect day to enjoy a picnic outside in January.  Grilled up some hot dogs, and then we stayed outside until after 5:00!  I figured I'd let Jim skip a nap to take advantage of such great weather!  He had a blast!  Ben had fun out there as well.  It was great to get some fresh air, and makes me very excited about the spring!  With that, here are a handful of pictures -

Jim busy picking up dirt -
This is his cheese face -
Got one with his eyes open!
T-Shirt & sweaty, red face time!
Ben & I
Not quite sure what's on his feet...
He better love it outside as much as Jim does!!  Don't worry, he wasn't trying to get inside, he just discovered his freedom to climb up some stairs!
Love him!
Jim was splashing water around for the birdies to drink!  At one point a couple birds tweeted pretty loud, and Jim looks at me, and goes, "Did you hear that".  And I responded with yes, I heard the birds tweeting...And he goes "The birdies liked my water!"  Love that!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


We got some snow the other day...Like a whole inch of it!!!  They had all these winter weather advisories posted, and schools were open late the one day, and then let out early the next day...All for an inch of snow - if that!  Jim was very excited when he woke up and saw snow on the ground!!!  I was hoping I would be able to take him out and play in it, but Ben was not wanting to go down for a nap.  And it was a little too cold to take him outside with the cold he had.  So Jim patiently waited until Mark got home from work - and then they went out and shoveled snow!!!  Made for one very happy Jimma!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


This post may have more information in it than you care to read - but I want to remember what we went through so we can use it when we go for potty training Ben...

Over New Year's weekend, we decided it was time to have Jim start wearing his big boy underwear, and tackle the ever fun job of potty training.  He had been using the potty in the past, but it was usually when I asked him if he wanted to, he never really prompted it himself.  Mark was off for 4 days - so we thought that would be a perfect time to do it...having us both home to tackle it.

I do have to say that the first week was a little rough.  It was constant asking him if he had to use the potty...and us making him use it every so often.  There were times when Jim didn't want to use it, and than proceeded to have an accident 5 minutes later...There were times when he didn't want to poop on the potty and held it in for 2 days, resulting in a stomach ache...and lots of time sitting on the potty...There were times we put his DVD player in the bathroom to have him sit there for awhile trying to get him to go....We didn't start off with rewards, but during the week decided to stock up on matchbox cars & M&M's - and that seemed to help him out.

Through all that, I am happy to say we are 1 week accident free!!!!  I think it just clicked for him after a week and half, and now he's going when he needs to go!  He even tells me when we're out and about when he has to use the potty.  It makes it a little challenging when we are shopping, trying to help Jim while holding onto Ben - but we've done it!  And we've run out of matchbox cars & M&M's and we're still going strong!!!

We didn't go all out - he still wears diapers at naptime & bedtime.  He's been dry after all his naps this week, so I think after the weekend we will switch out of diapers at naptime...And then we will tackle bedtime.  One thing at a time!!!

A couple pictures of our big boy!!!  Decorating his box with stickers (this was where all his matchbox cars were, and then we turned to stickers...)
Sweet boy - 
Working on a masterpiece!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ben takes some steps!

Ben has been taking a couple of steps!!!  It's only been between Mark & I...or between the couch and me.  I tried to get a video of it, but it's hard to do when it's just me, so these will have to do.  He gets so excited and leans into us after a step or two.  And he's getting much better about standing without holding on to anything.

And yes Allison, I was trying to re-create the Jim video - and see if he would crack up.  Maybe Ben will do that for us this weekend.

And here's another video.  Yes, he was okay after bumping his head...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Double Digits

Happy 10 Months Benjamin.  It's very hard to believe in just 2 months we'll have a one year old on our hands!!

What Ben is up to @ 10 months:

- He's cruising all over the place!!!  I am guessing when I do his 11 month update, he'll be walking!  He's walking all over if he's holding onto something (the couch, his walker, our hands)...and he has taken a couple of steps over to the couch if I'm sitting close to it.  But I think it might be a little more excitement and momentum that gets him there.  But it won't be long!!!

- He has mastered the stairs!  When we're downstairs working out, he always heads right to the stairs.  And he always seems to know when we forget to close the gate upstairs.  He takes every opportunity he can find to practice going upstairs.

- Speaking of working out - he loves, loves, loves doing jumping jacks with us.  It is pretty awesome how excited he gets about it!

- And speaking of jumping - he's done with his jumper - he really hasn't used it in awhile.  I think know that he's on the move, he doesn't like to be contained in there...and I also think he might be a little too big for it.  It's now in the corner protecting our cuckoo clock.

- He loves to point at things.

- He claps his hands when we tell him to clap...he waves now!  And even says his own version of hello while he does that...he shows us 'how big' he is...

- Wearing size 4 diapers...12 month clothes...

- Has 6 teeth - 4 up top...2 on the bottom...

- He loves, loves, loves to eat.  Don't really think I've found a thing he doesn't like to eat.  He'll eat whatever we're having - and loves it!  He gets so excited when I bring his tray out, he knows it's time!

- He loves playing with all the trucks we have!  Complete with truck noises and all.

- Loves his big brother.  It's great to see them playing together, and laughing together - a great sound!

And as usual - I will leave you with his 10 month pictures.  He was pretty interested in trying to figure out how to take it off.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ben's 9 Month Stats

We were a little behind in Ben's 9 month check-up...we just went to the doctor yesterday.  Ben was healthy!!!  No problems at all.  He got 2 shots, and didn't like those, but once I picked him up, he was back to his happy self!  Jim was very well behaved there - and I am happy to report that we made it out of the house with big boy underwear on for the first time (actually, 2nd time we ran to Home Depot on Tuesday...but that was a quick trip) and had no accidents!!  We were gone probably 3 hours between the doctors, and Toys 'R Us (we had to get some more matchbox cars to help him with the potty training...)

His 9 month stats -
Head - 18 1/2" - 90th percentile
Height - 29" - 61st percentile
Weight - 20lbs 2ozs - 50th percentile

I always go back and look at the past months...

For his head his percentiles were - 96th @ 2 weeks...97th @ 1 month, 2 months, 4 months...99th @ 6 months...and now in the 90th percentile.  He had been pretty consistent there!

For his height - 92nd @ 2 weeks...91st @ 1 month...79th @ 2 months...59th @ 4 months...57th @ 6 months...and now in the 61st percentile.  So just a little above average.

And finally for his weight - 43rd @ 2 weeks...48th @ 1 month...49th @ 2 months...70th @ 4 months...40th @ 6 months...and now in the 50th percentile.

And what's a post without a picture?!  Here's one from the other day - the boys hanging out!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Busy Day!

We've had a busy day so far today...

First there was some play dough fun...
Then some coloring...Ben's version of coloring was eating the crayons.  Of course - he'll eat anything!
Who knew playing in the corner could be so much fun?!?!
Then some puzzle making...(Caught Ben mid-cough...)
All that fun requires a drink-break!
Both boys are napping now...Sure we'll have an eventful afternoon as well!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 - A Year in Review

Thought I'd do a little recap of the past year...and the highlights from each month...It's very hard to just pick one picture...and I'm sure I missed out on a bunch of stuff, so I apologize ahead of time if I forgot something but here we go -

In January we enjoyed some non-winter like, warm weather.  Jim loved every minute he was able to spend outside!
In February we all enjoyed a visit from Nanny & Papa...And it was Jim's last month being an only child...Here he is practicing being a big brother -
I think we all know the highlight from March - we became a family of 4!!!!  Benjamin was born -- Jim is a big brother!!!!  Lots of visitors this month - Grandma & Papa...Aunt Allison...Nanny & Papa...Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna...and Aunt Ashley!!!!  I started my new job as a Stay at Home Mom!!!!
April was another big month - Jim turned TWO!!!!!  Ben celebrated his first Easter!!!  We found out that Jim & Ben were going to be big cousins!!!!
We enjoyed the spring weather in May - and settled into our new life as a family of 4.  We had a wonderful 2 months of lots of visitors, and are always missing everyone!!!
Still enjoying the wonderful weather in June!!  Enjoyed a visit from Nanny, Papa, & Aunt Casey!!  Ben learns to roll over!  Loving life!  Jim is a great big brother - and Ben is such a happy, easy-going baby!
July is a busy month...We are without power for a couple of days because of the derecho that came through the area.  It was hot!!!  Ben's first 4th of July!!  Lots of fun outside, in their pool - Jim having a blast at the splash park!
In August we enjoyed a visit from Grandma & Papa - we love visitors!!!  Ben had his first try of food - not a fan of it (which is no longer the case at all!!!!)  Took a trip up to Albany for a wedding...and then went to Buffalo for the week...followed by a week in Castile!  Lots of fun up in NY - and great visiting with everyon!
Our trip up to NY ended in September - with Ben going to his first Syracuse football game!  Ben turns 1/2 a year - how is that possible already?!  Enjoying the fall weather - we love being outside!
October is another busy month with visitors!!  Grandma & Papa came back down to visit.  As did Aunt Ashley & Aunt Allison.  The 3 of us ran in the Wilson Bridge 1/2 marathon!  We missed Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna!  Ben's first Halloween - he was a dog, and Jim was a fire fighter...Lots of fun at pumpkin patches!!  Jim had a blast trick-or-treating this year!!!  Jim had fun doing jobs outside with Mark - jumping in leaves!!!!  Welcomed the newest member of the DiLoreto family - Blake Robert!
Still enjoying the fall weather in November.  Jim would spend every minute outside if he could.  Jim & Ben both got to vote!  Hehe :) We spent the week up in NY for Thanksgiving - 1/2 the time in Buffalo, the other 1/2 in Castile.  Got to meet Blake!!!
December was great!!  Jim is at the age where he's starting to get Christmas even more.  It was so much fun to have him help decorate the tree...Help with the Christmas with the wrapping, etc. etc.  Had a great time up in NY for Christmas - even though it was a quick trip it was great spending it with the family!
2012 was a WONDERFUL year!!!!  We are very excited to see what 2013 has in store for us!!!  Happy New Year!!!