

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ben is ONE!!!!

A very Happy FIRST Birthday to Benjamin!!!  Hard to believe that you are a year old now.  What a great year it's been!!  This will be his last 'monthly' post :(  And will have to do another update on his Birthday fun!!

What Ben is up to at a Year:

- He's walking all over the place!!  There's not much crawling happening anymore - he prefers walking as his mode of transportation :)

- He loves to eat!!!  He still will eat anything and everything that we give him!

- He has a few words - ball, bye-bye, and he's been saying Papa...

- He loves our train table!!  As well as any train and truck.  Love that he 'drives' them back and forth complete with truck noises!

- He will repeat Jim and make cow noises, as well as elephant, and duck sounds!

- He loves chasing after Jim - always a great time hearing them both giggling!

- Continues to be a great sleeper!!  He's been going down around 8:30 now - and gets up after 7:00.

- I think he's getting ready to drop his morning nap.  The past couple of mornings when I put him up there he just plays in his crib.  Still takes a nap in the afternoon after lunch time.

- No new teeth this month - I always say this, but am thinking he might be starting to get more, given the amount of drool he has.

- He waves & says bye-bye.

- He's drinking whole milk now - which he likes, and he's finally picked up on a sippy cup!  He is still nursing first thing in the morning, and again in the evening.

- Still in size 4 diapers.

- Wears 12 month clothes, but I am getting out more and more 18 month clothes.  We need the weather to get warmer - I don't have a lot of cold weather 18 month clothes.

- We go to the doctor this afternoon for his one year check-up, so I'll update his stats then...

And for one more time - here are his monthly pictures -

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