

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Grandma & Papa visit

Like I had mentioned in a previous post, we had visitors last weekend - Grandma & Papa came down to be here for Ben's first birthday!!!  Just like every time we have visitors - we had a great time with them!  They got down on Friday, and went home on Tuesday.  Had a total break my heart moment after we said good-bye to them, and started walking in the house...Jim started to cry, and says 'Mommy I'm sad now, Grandma & Papa are gone.'  I told him they'd be back down over Easter, but he doesn't quite grasp the concept of 2 weeks, he kept asking, tomorrow?  tomorrow?  We didn't really go out or anything - just hung out at home, which is great to be able to enjoy each other's company.  We did go to brunch on Sunday / Ben's birthday @ Overwood - and enjoyed that!

Papa helped to build a new train track, and both boys loved playing trains with both Grandma & Papa!!!
Grandma with Jim & Ben...
There were a ton of giggles from everyone at night when they boys took their nightly horsey ride - we all loved it!
Jim was very sweet the one morning, resting on Papa & watching Caillou -
More horsey rides -
Papa with Jim & Ben (can't get Ben to smile at the camera...)
And these pictures are from the visit - but a cute series of finding Ben's belly...These 2 boys crack me up!!!

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