

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ben's first BirthDAY!!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Ben's first birthday!!!  Grandma & Papa came down to help us celebrate! They got in Friday afternoon and stayed until Tuesday.  The weather was very nice - so we got to spend lots of time outside, which I think everyone enjoyed!  (Will have to do an update with more pictures from the weekend!)

Here's a look into Ben's first Birthday through pictures (yes, I like to take a lot of pictures!!!) -

Big brother Jim helped to make birthday cupcakes...
Hanging out in his Birthday Suit...
He's a walking machine!
Me and the Birthday boy (ignore my messy hair...)
Present Time!!!!  (Jim did not like this part - he wanted to open all the presents!)
But Jim was very excited about the 'starter thing' on Ben's mower...
A very Happy Birthday Boy!!!
Cupcake time!!!!  Yes, Ben was very excited about that!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
He loved the frosting!!!!
We had a great day together!!!!

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