

Friday, April 30, 2010

A great baby!

Things still have been going great around here!

Thursday when Mark got home we took Jim for a walk around the neighborhood. It was nice to get outside for awhile, and get some exercise in. Mark is going to go to Lowe's and look for a storage cabinet that we can put the stroller in, and I can start taking him for walks during the day. Still haven't felt like I've been up for lugging the stroller outside just yet. Jim slept great again Thursday night (that is once he fell asleep). It took him awhile to go down - it was the same as Monday night, he'd fall asleep, you'd put him in his crib, and 10 minutes later he'd start to fuss. When he finally went down, it was good! He woke up at 1:00 to eat, and then went right down and slept until Mark brought him into bed with me.

He's been great so far today! He ate at 6:00, and went back down to sleep until 9:30 or so. I was able to sleep until 9:00 which has been wonderful! It make things a lot better when I get a good night sleep :) We did some tummy time today - which he loves! And just have been hanging out.

Jim has been such a great baby! We've definitely lucked out with him. Let's just hope he stays that way :)

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