

Monday, April 19, 2010

He's Here!!!!

James Robert entered the world on April 11, 2010 at 5:24pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. Contractions started at 10:00pm Saturday night. After several hours, Mark decided it was time to call the hospital at 4:00am when the contractions were coming every 5 minutes, and they lasted about a minute each. We were admitted and brought to our Labor & Delivery room. The nurses were all WONDERFUL!!! I couldn’t have asked to have delivered at a better hospital.

Things didn’t really go as planned though…There were 3 different times when James’ heart rate dropped below the number that they were comfortable with. Whenever this happened a bunch of nurses and doctors came running into the room and had to get his heart rate back up, which they were able to do. But as time went on – I was stuck at 6cm dilated, and after every contraction his heart rate would drop, which was a big concern to everyone there. It was a little after 4:00 when the doctor came in and said that it would be in our best interest to have a C-section. So before we knew it, we were getting prepared to go back into the operating room to meet our son! Mark got his scrubs and had to hang out in the room until they were ready for him. There were a bunch of people in there, and everyone was great!

Once we were all done, we were brought back to our room for recovery for a couple of hours. I was wheeled back holding our new son! Once we knew that we were having a C-section Mark called my parents and they made their way to the hospital so they’d be waiting when we were all done. Once we got situated, the Doctor went and got the new grandparents, and we got to introduce them to their first Grandson – James Robert! The proud grandparents and new daddy left to grab some dinner, while the nurses brought me upstairs where we stayed until Wednesday. I’ll update more about those days next.

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