

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The hospital

We were in the hospital until Wednesday when we were finally discharged around noon.

Like I said earlier everyone there was wonderful!! I had such great nurses taking care of myself and Jim!! Which made things a lot easier for us all! There would always be nurses coming in and out of the room checking in on us, seeing if there was anything that we needed. Dr. Adhoot, and Liz Itote both came upstairs at one time just to check in on us!
Sunday night was rough. They woke me up at 1:00am to 'Dangle' which was pretty much getting me out of bed to use the bathroom. That wasn't fun at all. Monday was a pretty good day -- I think I spent most of it in bed relaxing. I did go for a little walk out in the hallway with mom, so that was good to get up and walk around a bit.

Tuesday I got up and showered - which was much needed! And even got dressed in regular clothes. As time went on I slowly was getting better and better. Monday night we did have the nursery keep Jim for 3 hours after his check-up so Mark & I could get a couple hours of sleep.
Wednesday was going home day. Again I got up and showered, and was feeling better than I was on Tuesday! We did the same thing Tuesday night, keeping Jim in the nursery for 3 hours which gave us a chance to sleep.

The grandparents were there the entire time! It was great having them around. They would show up at 11:00...And Mark would go home for a little bit. He took care of stuff around the house, and showered, and took a nap. I think the grandparents enjoyed their bonding time with Jim, and we sure enjoyed all their help!!!
We got Jim all dressed up and before we knew it we were on our way home! Jim enjoyed his first car ride home - I think he was sound asleep the entire ride home! Mark & I got home and settled, and then were joined by Grandma & Grandpa DiLoreto, and shortly after that the VanZandt's showed up to meet their grandson!

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