

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our weekend with Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna

Rob & Jenna made their way down to VA on Friday to meet their nephew! Rob worked a 1/2 day and they got down here around 4:00. They were very excited to meet Jim! Rob got us dinner for the evening - we grilled vegetables and burgers. All very yummy! It was a nice night out, so we all sat outside. I attempted to drink another beer, and probably made it through half of it again before I had enough. I'll get there soon! Jim even hung out with us in his stroller out back! He's going to like it outside! It did start to get chilly, so we came in, Mom held Jim, Mark & Rob stayed outside for another beer...And that was our Friday night.
Mark was on night duty since he didn't have to work. We didn't do all that well - I feed Jim just after 8:00 and instead of making sure he went down after he ate - we were playing with him - which ended up in a long night. He was up fussing for 2 hours before he finally went down. But once he went down he was good! We stopped waking him up every 3 hours to feed him - instead we're letting him tell us when he's hungry. That's made a huge difference! There were a couple times when I'd get him up and he did not want to eat, which got pretty frustrating. Jim also lost his umbilical cord stump the other night. That's one less thing we need to worry about now.
Saturday morning we got up - mom & dad came over and we said good-bye to them :( And then Rob & Jenna came over shortly after the parents left. We spent the morning hanging out. Having a newborn makes for a pretty eventful day! I think they loved just hanging out with Jim. Mark and I did leave for a bit. Since it was a rainy day I decided to go to the gym with Mark. I went to DSW 1st to get some new sneakers, and then went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes. It was good to get out of the house for a bit. Saturday night we ordered sushi for dinner, which was pretty yummy. Although I don't think Jim liked it too much. He was up crying again for 2 hours. Think maybe I should've stayed away from the wasabi. But once we got Jim down, he woke up once to eat and then slept for 6 hours! What a great stretch of sleep for us!
Sunday morning Rob & Jenna came back over and enjoyed some more time with Jim before they hit the road. It was very sad to see them leave. Them leaving also meant we were done with family visits for awhile which is very sad.

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