

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Great Baby Award

Jim wins the Best Baby Award this week!!! He's been doing wonderful sleeping. 4 nights in a row he was asleep before 10:00 - and then he slept through the night!!! Mark would get him at 5:30 and brought him to me so I could feed him. (Last night he went to bed at 9:00 - and then got up on his own at 4:00). Sleep Jim Sleep!!!

Hopefully he'll stick with this schedule :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nanny & Papa Visit

Nanny & Papa came to visit us this weekend. They got into town on Thursday and brought dinner and beer for us! We grilled burgers and enjoyed the gorgeous weather eating out back.They came over on Friday, and watched Jim while I went to the DMV. I also ran a couple errands. Jim had a great time with them, his Papa even taught him how to play the trumpet! We went into Old Town for dinner, enjoying some good food at King Street Blues. Jim continues to do very well with going out to dinner - not making a peep, since he slept the entire time!
Saturday we went to the Air & Space Mueseum out at Dulles. We had a good time there - although I don't think Jim saw a single airplane. He slept the entire time. I'll take that over a fussing, crying baby!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Jim has been doing good with his sleeping! I really can't complain. This past week he's been going down around 10:00-11:00. And once or twice he got up at 2 or 3 to eat, and then again at 6:00. And there have been a couple times when he's slept until 4 or 5 when Mark gets him and brings him into our room. I think we've definitely lucked out with him sleeping through the night. Let's just hope it stays that way!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Jim has been smiling more and more these days!! It's great. I finally got some good pictures of his big smile. I tried before but by the time I got my camera, and took the picture I never caught it. I can't wait until he starts laughing!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jim learns to walk!

Mark taught Jim how to walk today! Okay, maybe he really isn't walking - but he is a pretty strong little boy! He will stand there, and he likes to 'jump' off of your legs. It won't be long before we get the exercauser out of the box for him.

Monday, May 17, 2010

This weekend...

We enjoyed our weekend!

Friday was a good day, the weather was very nice - which always put both of us in a good mood! We drove over to my office so we could get lunch with Clara. We got to say hello to a bunch of people and then we went to Noodles. Jim was up the entire time - and was very well behaved! We got home from lunch, went for our daily walk (I even did some running!), and planted our garden. Mark got home from work and I ran to Safeway so I could get a pizza for dinner. Got home from that to see Mark sitting outside with Jim in the rain chatting with our neighbors. Maggie & Rolf ended up coming over for dinner.

Saturday Mark went to the gym, and picked us up when he was done with that so we could go down to the trail. I went for a run, which actually felt really good! I made it up to the bridge and back wit only having to stop to walk once for like 30 seconds. And this is all while pushing a stroller, and not having ran in months. We ran a bunch of errands -- stopping at Lowe's to get a rug for our family room, Babies 'R Us to stock up on diapers & wipes, and Safeway for our weekly grocery shopping trip. Grilled burgers for dinner. And had a successful night with getting Jim to sleep. I was in bed by 10:00 - not too bad considering the couple late nights we had last week.

Sunday we did the same thing - Mark going to the gym and then getting us to go down to the trail. I went running again which went well! Mark took care of all his outside jobs today. And Jim and I hung out! We grilled hot dogs for lunch, and veggies & shrimp for dinner. Got to Skype with Aunt Allison. And a shot time with Grandma - but Jim was fast asleep...and then he had a very stinky diaper that I needed to change. We gave Jim a bath, and then he did very well with going to bed! He fell asleep, and we put him down around 9:00. He stayed there until 2:30 when I fed him, and then got up again at 7:30. That would be a perfect schedule if we could get him to stay like that!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our week in Review

I don't even remember what we did on Monday. I don't think we had any adventures for the day. We did go for our daily walk - which was very nice! And when Mark got home the 2 of them lifted together in the basement.

Tuesday was Jim’s 1 month birthday!! It’s hard to believe that he made his grand entrance into the world a month ago. The past month has been WONDERFUL!!! I’ve enjoyed every minute with him. And we love him to pieces!!! Wednesday we were going to try to meet Clara for lunch, but she was tied up at work, so that didn’t work out. Instead we went for our daily walk. And then ran a couple errands. Had to stop at the post office to mail out the rest of my thank-you’s. (I finally got them finished last night!) And then we went to Babies ‘R Us so I could pick up a gift for Maggie.

Thursday – We met Mark for lunch today at the Silver Diner! We picked him up at his office and enjoyed a lunch together! Jim behaved himself again – not a word out of him. I used my trick – fed him just before we needed to go and he fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep so we could enjoy lunch together!

Jim has been a great sleeper for us…Even though I end up complaining about it, all things considered he’s very good. It’s just been an adjustment having to go to bed later – and not going to bed when Mark goes to bed. Everyone knows that we were always in bed early, getting ready for bed starting at 9:00. So when Jim wants to stay up until 11 or 12 – that makes a difference. But once he finally goes down he’s sleeping through the night! Like last night we put him in his crib at 8:30 but he was fussing on and off and never really fell asleep. I fed him again at 10:00, and got to bed around 11:00. He did not wake up again until 4:30.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Our Weekend + 1st Mother's Day

We had a great weekend! And I had a great 1st Mother's Day!!!
Friday night Kristin & Joe came over so they could meet Jim! It was good hanging out with them. We ordered some pizza from ZPizza for dinner - and I finished my 1st beer since July.

Saturday we took care of stuff around the house. And Jacob, Sarah, and Seth came over to meet Jim! We hung out with them for awhile! We gave Jim his first bottle in the evening. I figured I was going to have to start getting him used to the bottle sometime soon. He did very well with it - chugging the thing right down with no problem!

Sunday was my 1st Mother's Day!! We had a great day together! We went out to eat for our first time with Jim - went to Southside for Brunch which was very good! I learned the trick to take him out. Feed him just before you leave - and put him in the car, and he falls asleep. Not a peep out of him at the restaurant. And we were able to go to Lowe's and to Safeway without him waking up. It was bathtime again for stinky Jim. He doesn't mind the bath that much - until we start to wash his hair.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The rest of our week...

Tuesday night Jim slept very good! We got him to fall asleep before 9:00 and he was out! It was nice that he fell asleep early! And he slept great through the night, waking up at 1:30 to eat, and then up again at 6:30 to eat.

Wednesday we tried to go to Hallmark and the post office. Started out okay at Hallmark, but Jim started to get fussy…And had enough of that, so I got the couple of cards that I found and checked out. I’ll need to go back to get the rest of the Mother’s Day cards that I need. No Post Office for us today. I did learn that if I do need to go shopping I need to do it after I feed Jim, when he’s the happiest. I came home and fed Jim, and then later on we went for a walk together. Feels good to be outside getting some exercise!

Jim did not want to go to sleep Wednesday night. Mark stayed up until 10:00 with him, trying to work out some gas which he was successful in. But after that he was awake, and screaming. I ended up going downstairs for awhile to watch TV, trying to get him to sleep. Finally got him down at 11:45 or so, only to be woken up again at 12:20. It was 1:00 when he was finally out! He didn’t wake up after that, so that was nice.

Thursday we went to daycare to drop off the application. We chatted with Terri for a bit. Came home so we both could get some lunch, and then we were off to attempt the post office again. Jim did much better this time! We were even able to run to Target after that. It’s nice to get out of the house! Mark got home and the 3 of us attempted to go on a walk, but Jim decided he was not happy to be outside, so we cut the walk short. He was cranky again at night – not going to sleep until 11:30. I guess that’s not too terrible considering that he slept until 5:00.

Been having a good Friday so far. Jim woke up around 9:00 and has been up for awhile. I grilled some chicken for lunch (we were going to have for dinner during the week, but ended up never making it...) and then we went for our walk. He fell asleep during that - and has been napping since.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We enjoyed the rest of our weekend. Sunday morning we got up -- Mark went to the gym. When he got home from the gym, he told me to get out of the house for some Heather time. He thought it'd be good for me to get out and away for a little bit, while he stayed with Jim. I went into Old Town, got a sandwich at Bruegger's, then went to the Gap. Both Jim & I had a gift card that I wanted to see if there was anything good. I got Jim a couple things, and picked up a new pair of jeans and shorts for myself. They had some good sales going on. And we both still have more $$ to spend there. After the Gap, I ran to CVS to pick up my pictures, and then went grocery shopping. Was going to go for a walk as well but ran out of time to do that. I figured Jim would start getting hungry around 1:30.

Got home from my outing, Mark took care of stuff outside. And then Suzanne, Mike, and Conner came by to meet Jim. It was great hanging out with them! She brought over some newborn and 0-3 month clothes, as well as some other stuff for me to borrow. I had bought steaks to grill for dinner, but they never left until 7:30ish, so we decided to nix that idea and save it for the week. Jim didn't really cooperate at bedtime. He was fussy - Mark had me go lay down for an hour while he stayed up with him, then we swapped at 10:00. I fed Jim, and then finally made it to bed after 11:00. He does really well once he goes down, it's the going down that he needs to work on.

We really didn't do much on Monday. He was in a very good mood! Barely fussed at all during the day. He enjoyed some tummy time, and back time on his play mat. We got to Skype with Aunt Ashley and then with Grandma & Papa. We gave Jim a bath. We tried it in the bathroom this time which was a little easier than in the kitchen. I think it'll get a lot easier once he's able to hold his head up on his own. I fed him at 8:30, but he was wide awake when he was done eating. I finally got him to go down around 11:00 - and then he woke up at 3:30 to eat. And then again at 7:30. I really shouldn't be complaining since he's sleeping through the night pretty good!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gorgeous Saturday

It was gorgeous outside yesterday! I think it got into the 90s, or real close. Jim was 'Daddy's Speedster' yesterday - how cute is that outfit?! Jamie & Linda came by to meet Jim. We hung out on our patio catching up with them! Jim started to get a little fussy, so I took him inside to eat. Mark did a bunch of stuff outside. Jim & I hung out in the back for a little bit until he got fussy. I grilled pizza for dinner - which was very yummy! And then the 3 of us went for a walk around the neighborhood. Jim did very well for the 1st 20 minutes -- very happy, just looking around -- but then wanted nothing to do with the stroller. He needs to get used to that thing! I ended up carrying him for the 2nd half of the walk. I ended up getting a really good workout!
After our walk we came inside and Jim was pretty content. He laid on his tummy for awhile - he doesn't mind doing that at all! And he even rolled over! I think it may have been the way he was laying on his arm, but he was on his stomach, and then next thing you knew he was on his back! He'll be walking before we know it!

He really didn't want to go down last night. Mark was up with a fussy baby until about 10:30 when I got him and fed him. And after that he finally went down. Woke up again at 2:30 and 7:30 to eat.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our Friday...

We had a great rest of the week together. There were no outings planned for us on Friday -- but we did enjoy the gorgeous weather that we had! Jim seems to love it outside. He's very happy whenever he's out there, and just looks around at everything. It's a good thing he likes it outside, because that's how Mark & I like to enjoy our weekends!

Mark got home from work, after stopping at Lowe's to pick up a storage cabinet. Our shed is starting to fill up!!! I ran to Safeway to pick up some stuff for dinner, and then we hung out next door with our neighbors. Maggie got some practice -- as they are expecting their little one in 2 months. He was a little fussy at first, but she got him to fall asleep! It was nice hanging outside with them!

We had another good nights sleep. He fell asleep a little after 9:00, and I had to pick him up once and then he was out. He slept until 1:00, and I fed him, and then slept again until 6:00 waking up to eat. Things are pretty easy when he sleeps that well! Mark didn't even have to worry about staying up with him since he was behaving himself. I fell back asleep until 8:30, and Mark took Jim for awhile, he didn't want to go back to sleep this time.

The weather is supposed to be gorgeous all weekend, so the 3 of us will be enjoying that!