

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nanny & Papa Visit

Nanny & Papa came to visit us this weekend. They got into town on Thursday and brought dinner and beer for us! We grilled burgers and enjoyed the gorgeous weather eating out back.They came over on Friday, and watched Jim while I went to the DMV. I also ran a couple errands. Jim had a great time with them, his Papa even taught him how to play the trumpet! We went into Old Town for dinner, enjoying some good food at King Street Blues. Jim continues to do very well with going out to dinner - not making a peep, since he slept the entire time!
Saturday we went to the Air & Space Mueseum out at Dulles. We had a good time there - although I don't think Jim saw a single airplane. He slept the entire time. I'll take that over a fussing, crying baby!

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