

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We enjoyed the rest of our weekend. Sunday morning we got up -- Mark went to the gym. When he got home from the gym, he told me to get out of the house for some Heather time. He thought it'd be good for me to get out and away for a little bit, while he stayed with Jim. I went into Old Town, got a sandwich at Bruegger's, then went to the Gap. Both Jim & I had a gift card that I wanted to see if there was anything good. I got Jim a couple things, and picked up a new pair of jeans and shorts for myself. They had some good sales going on. And we both still have more $$ to spend there. After the Gap, I ran to CVS to pick up my pictures, and then went grocery shopping. Was going to go for a walk as well but ran out of time to do that. I figured Jim would start getting hungry around 1:30.

Got home from my outing, Mark took care of stuff outside. And then Suzanne, Mike, and Conner came by to meet Jim. It was great hanging out with them! She brought over some newborn and 0-3 month clothes, as well as some other stuff for me to borrow. I had bought steaks to grill for dinner, but they never left until 7:30ish, so we decided to nix that idea and save it for the week. Jim didn't really cooperate at bedtime. He was fussy - Mark had me go lay down for an hour while he stayed up with him, then we swapped at 10:00. I fed Jim, and then finally made it to bed after 11:00. He does really well once he goes down, it's the going down that he needs to work on.

We really didn't do much on Monday. He was in a very good mood! Barely fussed at all during the day. He enjoyed some tummy time, and back time on his play mat. We got to Skype with Aunt Ashley and then with Grandma & Papa. We gave Jim a bath. We tried it in the bathroom this time which was a little easier than in the kitchen. I think it'll get a lot easier once he's able to hold his head up on his own. I fed him at 8:30, but he was wide awake when he was done eating. I finally got him to go down around 11:00 - and then he woke up at 3:30 to eat. And then again at 7:30. I really shouldn't be complaining since he's sleeping through the night pretty good!

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