

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our week in Review

I don't even remember what we did on Monday. I don't think we had any adventures for the day. We did go for our daily walk - which was very nice! And when Mark got home the 2 of them lifted together in the basement.

Tuesday was Jim’s 1 month birthday!! It’s hard to believe that he made his grand entrance into the world a month ago. The past month has been WONDERFUL!!! I’ve enjoyed every minute with him. And we love him to pieces!!! Wednesday we were going to try to meet Clara for lunch, but she was tied up at work, so that didn’t work out. Instead we went for our daily walk. And then ran a couple errands. Had to stop at the post office to mail out the rest of my thank-you’s. (I finally got them finished last night!) And then we went to Babies ‘R Us so I could pick up a gift for Maggie.

Thursday – We met Mark for lunch today at the Silver Diner! We picked him up at his office and enjoyed a lunch together! Jim behaved himself again – not a word out of him. I used my trick – fed him just before we needed to go and he fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep so we could enjoy lunch together!

Jim has been a great sleeper for us…Even though I end up complaining about it, all things considered he’s very good. It’s just been an adjustment having to go to bed later – and not going to bed when Mark goes to bed. Everyone knows that we were always in bed early, getting ready for bed starting at 9:00. So when Jim wants to stay up until 11 or 12 – that makes a difference. But once he finally goes down he’s sleeping through the night! Like last night we put him in his crib at 8:30 but he was fussing on and off and never really fell asleep. I fed him again at 10:00, and got to bed around 11:00. He did not wake up again until 4:30.

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