

Friday, May 7, 2010

The rest of our week...

Tuesday night Jim slept very good! We got him to fall asleep before 9:00 and he was out! It was nice that he fell asleep early! And he slept great through the night, waking up at 1:30 to eat, and then up again at 6:30 to eat.

Wednesday we tried to go to Hallmark and the post office. Started out okay at Hallmark, but Jim started to get fussy…And had enough of that, so I got the couple of cards that I found and checked out. I’ll need to go back to get the rest of the Mother’s Day cards that I need. No Post Office for us today. I did learn that if I do need to go shopping I need to do it after I feed Jim, when he’s the happiest. I came home and fed Jim, and then later on we went for a walk together. Feels good to be outside getting some exercise!

Jim did not want to go to sleep Wednesday night. Mark stayed up until 10:00 with him, trying to work out some gas which he was successful in. But after that he was awake, and screaming. I ended up going downstairs for awhile to watch TV, trying to get him to sleep. Finally got him down at 11:45 or so, only to be woken up again at 12:20. It was 1:00 when he was finally out! He didn’t wake up after that, so that was nice.

Thursday we went to daycare to drop off the application. We chatted with Terri for a bit. Came home so we both could get some lunch, and then we were off to attempt the post office again. Jim did much better this time! We were even able to run to Target after that. It’s nice to get out of the house! Mark got home and the 3 of us attempted to go on a walk, but Jim decided he was not happy to be outside, so we cut the walk short. He was cranky again at night – not going to sleep until 11:30. I guess that’s not too terrible considering that he slept until 5:00.

Been having a good Friday so far. Jim woke up around 9:00 and has been up for awhile. I grilled some chicken for lunch (we were going to have for dinner during the week, but ended up never making it...) and then we went for our walk. He fell asleep during that - and has been napping since.

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