

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Aunt Allison, Uncle Robbie, and Aunt Jenna Visit :)

We were so lucky to have Aunt Allison down here for the week helping us out.  Ben's arrival was perfect timing with her spring break.  And then we were even more lucky (proper English?!) to have Aunt Jenna & Uncle Robbie come down on Thursday of Ben's first week to meet him.  I don't think there are enough words to thank them for all there help!!!  I am so lucky to have such wonderful family!!!  And we are looking forward to Aunt Ashley's arrival as well!!  I will leave you pictures of their visit!!!

Here's Allison first time meeting Ben @ the hospital Sunday afternoon!!!
Jim is wearing a shirt that says I love my Aunt!  And he sure does love his aunt.  I didn't get a good one of the 2 of them though.  Next time.  Allison & Jim were skyping with Rob & Jenna - hence her not looking at the camera.
Allison came along with us (actually she didn't come along, I think I came along with her, as she drove us...) to Ben's first doctor's appointment.  And she helped to entertain Jim!!
Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna came with gifts for Jim & Ben.  If you notice, Rob is holding Ben on his lap.  And on top of Ben are all the clothes that they got for him.  Yes, Jim was a good big brother and piled everything up for Ben to see. 
Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna did a little work out with Jim - yeah for the push-ups!!!
Allison got early morning snuggles with Ben.  (Or was it late night?!)  She would sleep downstairs with Ben for the first couple hours before I would come down and take her place - again thank you!!!!
Uncle Robbie & Jim watching trucks on Rob's phone
Aunt Allison & Aunt Jenna have some fun playing trains with Jim.  I think this train table has been a huge hit with everyone that sees it!
Rob & Ben nap, while Jenna and Jim read!
Jenna's turn to hold Ben!!!
Just some outside shots - on St. Patrick's day!
Another outside picture...
Note how Robbie is holding his yogurt.  And then note how Jim is holding his apple sauce!  Jim was a big fan of Uncle Robbie - and had to do whatever he was doing!
It's hard to get Jim to pose for a picture.  If he doesn't want his picture taken, you have to move to him to take a picture.
Allison with her two favorite nephews :)
Allison & Jim playing ball!  He loved every minute of being outside!!!
Again, many thanks to Allison, Rob, and Jenna for all the help they gave us!!!!  It was wonderful having you all down here!!!

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