

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hospital Pictures

Just a bunch of pictures from the hospital...

Well, first off we have our last family picture as a family of 3.  Mark actually cooperated and let Allison take this picture before heading to the hospital...
Ben's first picture - welcome to the world little one!!!
 The proud and happy Mom & Dad!!!!  How lucky are we?!?!
I love Mark's smile here!!!  He must be one happy dad - he never smiles in pictures!!!  But here's the proud dad standing with grandparents!  It was great having them all hear to meet their grandson!!!
 Aunt Allison got to meet her nephew just a couple hours after he arrived!!!!
Cuddling with Mom...
Jim came to visit me in the hospital Sunday afternoon!  It was so great to see him!  And yes, that would be a flask of beer that Mark brought into the hospital...
Jim checking out his baby brother....
This is what you do when a 2 year old gets bored at the hospital!  Need some type of entertainment for him :)
 Yes, my husband used Jim's sippy cups to bring beer into the hospital.  He's a good man!!!
  I love how scrunched up he is here - my little frog!
 It's a tough life for the new father!!!
 We are ready to go home!!!!!!!!!!

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