

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nanny & Papa Visit

This past week Nanny & Papa were here helping us all out!  We are so thankful that they came down.  They were on vacation last week, flew home, re-packed their bags, and spent the week with us.  How lucky are we?  I think it's safe to say that everyone had a great time with them!  It was very nice for me to have them around - I was able to go to my doctor's appointment, take care of some errands, as well as a some stuff around the house.  I didn't have to worry about doing all that while looking after my two boys.  Thank you for everything!!!!!  We will miss them for sure! 

And as usual, I will leave you all with a bunch of pictures from their visit!

Ben fast asleep on Nanny...
Nanny & Papa brought a big roll of paper and some new crayons - and we did lots of coloring!!!
 Jim did lots of building with his blocks!!!
 Playing soccer with Papa...
 Jim loves to help with any and every job!  Here he is helping Nanny with dishes...
 And helping Papa make coffee...
 Nanny & Papa shared many stories with me!
 All three of us colored together!
 Here we are showing Mark everything that we colored for the day.
 Papa & Jim had a little picnic lunch together. 
 Jim found the water in a crack and was playing with it.
Lots of playing outside!  Mowing the lawn, er the sidewalk.
 Nanny got lots of snuggles with Ben!
 A picnic on the kitchen floor. 
 Look at how cute these two train conductors are :)
Papa and Ben hanging out!!!
 Nanny playing with Ben!!!
And I'll leave you with a group shot of the grandparents with their two grandsons!

Thank you Nanny & Papa for spending the week with us!  We had a great time together - and it was sad to have to say good-bye this morning! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. What memories you are making for your boys and their grandparents.
