

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Family Picture Attempt

I think I've said it before - but everyone knows how much Mark loves having his picture taken.  (Can you hear the sarcasm in that?!?!)  Allison had the camera when we were all outside - and I love the pictures of trying to get a decent family shot...

First off, here's one of just Mark - can you see it on his face, he's loving this...

A picture with the 4 of us in it - too bad Jim is climbing up on the bench...and you gotta love my face!!!
Okay, we're getting a little closer here.  If only Jim was looking at the camera...And we could pretend we like each other a little bit better :)
 The 3 of us - where's Jim?!?!
 Now one of the 4 of us - now Jim doesn't want to partake in this picture taking...
 Let's try one of us all sitting down...I think there's room for a 5th person between Mark & Jim...
 Wow - finally a decent picture!!!!
Another decent picture - if it wasn't for me making such a lovely face...
 And one last one!  I'll take what I can get :)

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