

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy 2 weeks!!

Ben is 2 weeks old!!!  I'm a little behind on getting this up here - but I figured I'd wait until his doctor's appointment to do the update.  Here are his 2 week pictures, it'll be fun to see how much he grows over time!!!

All was well at his check- up today.

Head - 15" - 96th percentile
Height - 21.24" - 92nd percentile
Weight - 8lbs 7.8ozs - 43rd percentile

We do go back at the end of the week to check his weight again.  She said they like to see babies back up to their birth weight at 2 weeks.  I'm not worried about this at all - seeing as how when we left the hospital he was 7lbs 15 ozs - so in 2 weeks he gained 9 ozs.  And from what I'm reading everything says 2-3 weeks to be back up to birth weight.

But Ben is a great baby!  He isn't that big of a crier - and when he does cry, it's usually for a reason that we are able to figure out.  (i.e. he's hungry...needs a diaper sleepy...)  He's a great sleeper!  I am happy to say that I really don't know what sleep deprivation is.  I am hoping it stays that way. 

And big brother Jim is wonderful!!!!!  He loves Ben!  I am so happy that the transition for him went really well.  I think it's helped that we have had people around to keep Jim busy and entertained.  But he's constantly giving baby brother lots of kisses!

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